Chapter 14

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Planeptune/Eresthian City/Hotel Room/Morning/32 Days Until Festival/5 Days Until Departure

Sean gathered his thoughts as he  sipped on his coffee. The coffee was essentially made from Guatemalan SHB which produced a citrus-like acidity with a nice fruity, chocolate flavour, it went well with a certain rectangular biscuit.

“What was up with yesterday?” IF asked as she sat opposite him on the other couch – briefly analysing him for any injuries – whilst sipping on her own coffee which Sean made for her.

“Just a misunderstanding.” Sean gave the briefest replies possible which elicited a frown on the emerald-eyed woman.

“Yeah, a misunderstanding involving you nearly being skewered alive by a blue-hedgehog wannabe.” She snarked back with a frown, worry evident from the tone of her voice.

“We resolved the misunderstanding later in the day.” He clarified to get her off his metaphorical back.

She didn’t look satisfied with the young thief's reply but eventually she relented “Fine...”

There was an awkward moment of silence which was then suddenly forced to disappear as IF decided to chug down her coffee as if it was a beer.

“Oi.” Sean gathered her attention “Drink it slowly so you can savour the flavour.” He berated her as Sean genuinely felt annoyed at the disrespect to the coffee. Why bother making good coffee if you aren’t going to savour it?

“So, what are your plans for today?” IF asked as she proceeded to slow down and actually enjoy the taste of the coffee after feeling like her life may come to an end if she didn’t slow down.

“I’ve got plans for the morning which I don’t know how long is gonna take, and after that I’ll go to the bookstore to get something to read." He shifted up his glasses as they glinted ominously. ‘I need to increase my Kindness.’

“Good to see that you've planned out your entire day. Make room for me sometime, will you?” She requested. He had no reason to refuse.




Agent2: Please come to the plaza of the Western District, where we first met.

The Fool: ...Nonaka?

Agent2: Yes, that’s me.

The Fool: ...How do you have my phone number?

Agent2: Thank you for complying.

The Fool: Are you ignoring me?

Agent2: I’m standing near a fountain.

The Fool: I guess you are.

The Fool: I’m coming.

Agent2: Okay.

The Fool: Now you listen to me.


“Well, I’ve got places to be.” Sean slipped on his brown shoes and headed towards the door “See you later.”

“Bye.” She murmured back as she continued to drink her coffee.

Planeptune/Eresthian City/Western (Foodie) District/Morning/32 Days Until Festival/5 Days Until Departure

Sean wandered the Plaza of the Western District. A small glance around revealed clean white buildings – that seemed unsurprisingly futuristic – and stalls laid out selling to-go food as if it was a festival. The smell of juicy meats, vibrant vegetables and – oddly enough – lemons plagued Sean's senses along with bustling noises of businesses like maid cafés, hostess clubs and even various drinking contests. Yep, the standard Planeptunian atmosphere. The residents are always obnoxiously jolly.

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