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I sipped my drink anxiously as I stared at the entrance of the club. Today was the first time Will and I met voluntarily after he got distant at 14, and I would likely meet his friends. Right now I was sitting in the VIP area with my friends, who were once his. I haven't told them I was going to meet him, but I was sure they were just going to ignore him as they did at every party. I was more worried that they would question me or make fun of me afterward, but to be quite honest I couldn't care less right now. I was anxious because I wanted his friends to like me. William and I had been texting almost constantly the last five days. He'd told me, that his friends were very diverse and described their costumes so I would recognize them. After all, I've heard about them, they seemed really cool people I'd like to get to know.

"I think I'm gonna go outside for a bit", I tried to inform my friends over the loud music before I stood up to go. I had already been here for a few hours and wasn't sure if he was still going to show up or not. The fresh air made me dizzier than I'd already been from the drinks, I wanted to remain relatively sober until the arrival of William and his friends, but going out with my people never ended in being sober for me. I brought my hand to my forehead in an attempt to stop my vision from blurring and spinning, while my feet tumbled backward until my back hit the wall. My angel wings were stabbing me in the back, but oddly, I liked the sting as it canceled out the numbness, that I hated so much at this moment. Every breath calmed me down from the tenseness I experienced inside with my friends' expectations hovering above me like an eagle over its prey.

"Bellerose!", he exclaimed excitedly as I heard footsteps coming closer. I opened my eyes smiling and meeting his.

"Hey, elf king", I said teasingly as I admired the effort he and his friends put into their costumes.

"I've got to say, you look like an angel, Belle", he commented making me laugh.

"Ha ha", I commented sarcastically, but smile nonetheless.

"Come on, let me introduce you to the others", he said smiling and put his hand on her shoulder guiding her towards his friends and introducing me. They did as he said make fun of me for being wealthier, but it didn't seem hateful just teasing. His friends were more energetic than mine, and they were by far more careless. They were loud and impulsive, not bothering about what the other people might think, so basically the polar opposite of my own friends. But I loved it. They captivated me and the whole club with their energy, so much that I forgot the others for a while. After a while of dancing, I was sat at the bar with one of them named Max, who I found out to be the exact guy who's calling William Big Willy frequently. He was like William said slightly childish, but that was half of his charm and humor.

"Max, what are you telling her?", he said as he interrupted his friend and leaned against the bar next to me.

"Oh, just all your embarrassing stories, from you falling off the kitchen counter dancing to you singing in front of everyone in a bar", I answered for him. "And in return, I of course share your most embarrassing moments from your childhood days with him.

"But, why, Bellerose, what did I do to you?", he exclaimed in a high voice. "I knew it was a bad idea to let you meet my friends."

"No, but I love her", Max intervened. "Seriously, Rose, I think I am in love with you." He put his hand to his chest to prove his point, making me love.

"Fuck off, Max", William replied turning to me. "Will you go outside with me for a minute?"

"Dude, why can't I come? I want a smoke, too, Big Willy."

"No, you can smoke later I need to talk to her about something", he put his hand on my shoulder, again, and lead me outside.

"I like your friends, they're funny", I told him on the way.

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