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"The 44th President of the United States, Phillip J. Coulson!" All of the news readers called in unison as the final count came in causing everyone in the campaign room to cheer.

"Congrats Daddy."
"Thank you baby girl." Phil said hugging his eldest daughter, Bobbi.
"Well done, Mr President." His second wife, Melinda congratulated.
"You too, First Lady." He flirted back.
"I'm leaving." Bobbi announced turning and walking away, passing her half-sister on the way to congratulate their father "Save yourself." Bobbi said to Daisy cocking her head in the direction of their parents. "Yeah, will do. Thanks for the heads up sis."

/ /

"But why can't I just have Hunter?" Bobbi questioned her father following him through the halls of the White House, referring to her British boyfriend who she met when on a trip to the country with her father to discuss the two nations defence strategy. "It's not like he's not qualified. He's in the SAS - that's more difficult than what the Secret Service go through."
"And what about when Hunter isn't here?"
"Well... then I'll take a temporary bodyguard."
"Hmm, here's an idea. Why don't you have both - double the protection. Yeah, I like that idea. Good talk, Bobbi." Coulson decided shutting the door.

/ /

"What do you mean you quit?" Bobbi exclaimed to her boyfriend in shock.
"They would've discharged me anyway - this is all a bit too high profile for the SAS - they don't think it's exactly a good idea to send a Lieutenant who has his picture with his 'American Princess' girlfriend printed in every major magazine into enemy territory." Hunter explained picking up a magazine with pictures from their latest date at a cafe in D.C. to illustrate his point.
"You didn't have to quit your job for me, I know how much you loved it."
"Well I wouldn't say love. Although it was one of the few things in the world that I'm good at. But I would give up everything for you because I do love you." Hunter said holding her in place as he said the last part.
"I love you and I would give everything up for you too." Bobbi replied hooking her hands around his neck "Seriously. I didn't want this, but I know my Dad can make a big difference, so it's worth it." Bobbi sighed leaning her head against Hunter's.

/ /

At a State dinner, Hunter noticed the Secret Service acting shiftier than normal - like something was wrong. He voiced his concern to Bobbi who dismissed it believing that they would have been told if something was amiss. In between courses he went up to speak to Izzy and Idaho, Bobbi and his personal bodyguards. "Hunter, something wrong?" Idaho asked his charge.
"I don't know, you tell me. Come on Idaho, I was special forces too I recognise the signs." he appealed to his bodyguard and fellow vet. "Iz, please. Bobbi doesn't believe her Dad wouldn't tell her about a problem, if you need to get her to leave you're gonna need help to convince her." Izzy nodded knowing he was right and filled him in on the potential situation. By the end of it Hunter sighed saying "Somebody give me a gun."

At the end of the meal as everyone was leaving the grand venue two car bombs went off. Hunter immediately grabbed Bobbi, pulling her to the ground and shielding her.

Thankfully, the eldest First Daughter was pretty much unharmed due to Hunter's training. Him on the other hand, not so much.

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"Creel's on his way over here for extra protection. You have to promise me that you're gonna stay with him and Izzy." Hunter demanded from his hospital bed.
"I will." Bobbi agreed from his bedside wishing she'd trusted him earlier.
"Did they gather all the evidence from the explosion?"
"You're sure?"
"Yes, Hunter. I have lab contacts in the FBI from university, they were very thorough, and I was very annoying." Bobbi explained and Hunter leaned back sighing. "I'm sorry, Lance. It should be me lying in that bed."
Hunter immediately shook his head at that "Oh, I'm fine, you know. I don't even know if I - if I have to stay here."
"You got blown up." Bobbi stated.
"Pff, I've been worse." He protested not her to make a big deal out of it.
"You have burns, lacerations, two broken ribs, green stick fracture of the clavicle." Bobbi listed reading the medical file which she could understand with her Bio-chem PhD.
"Ok. I got blown up." Hunter agreed before trying to reach for one of the pudding cups the nurse had brought in earlier but it was too far away. "Can you hand me one of the puddings?" Bobbi stood up reaching over and opening it before giving to him. "Oh man. Thanks Bob. Look at that. Aw." He said groaning in pain towards the end because of his broken ribs moving as he spoke.

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