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On a quiet night at the base Bobbi and Mack went around putting their plan into action and silently took out the rest of the team.

When the team woke up they were all cuffed to metal pipes that ran along the walls of the common room. Hunter immediately started shouting bloody murder at his friends whilst Coulson searched their faces for any signs of guilt or remorse believing he could talk them out of whatever they had gotten themselves into. However, Mack seemed resolute in his decision and Bobbi's poker face was impeccable as always.

"You all should be grateful Bobbi convinced me to only cuff you to the wall, I wanted to put you all in Vault D." Mack snapped.
"Well, what can I say, I learned a great deal of southern hospitality on that Texas mission in '06." Bobbi said nonchalantly from where she was sitting at the far end of the table, practically on the opposite side of the room. Coulson thought back to that mission and tried to remember the significance of it. "I think I preferred your own Californian style before you came to us." He replied asking her an unasked question.
"No harm in mixing them." Bobbi answered standing up.
Finding his cuffs slightly loose Coulson tried to make an escape. Unfortunately, he didn't get very far and was grabbed by Mack. "Here, I'll do his cuffs this time." Bobbi stated taking over from Mack. "Isn't there a phrase about not sending a man to do a woman's work."
"I didn't know you liked chaining men up so much, Bobbi." Skye piped up sneaking a glance at Hunter intending on ruling the blonde traitor up.
"Hmm. It's surprising what one can learn in a book club." Bobbi replied emotionlessly sending Coulson another hidden message which he desperately tried not to laugh at.

Coulson berated Mack for playing the double agent:
"You don't know what you're doing."
"Really? Weird, 'cause something about all this feels so right." Mack smiled "Now whilst we wait for our friends to arrive I thought we could play with some toys." Mack said unveiling a range of knives and other torture devices.
"Why Mack? What's in it for you?" Coulson asked.
"What isn't?" He retorted "You and your cracked up alien adventures cost people their lives. All we want is a chance to have a say in how we risk our and everybody else lives."
"Mack listen to me!"
"Why? So you can impart some special Coulson wisdom, that it? Do you think you're better than all of us? Do you? Say it. You think you're better than all of your expendable agents."
"I am." Coulson said confusing even his most loyal team members.
"Uh... let's not go that far." Bobbi interjected.
"I always have been. That's why Fury gave me the job. I'm sure that's what your friends are really annoyed about."
"Mm, didn't Fury only give you the job because Maria went to work for Stark?" Bobbi piped up.
"Thanks Mock." Coulson said sarcastically.
"Just living up to my namesake." She smiled sweetly.
"Um, maybe you didn't notice. But Fury's prized agent is on our side." Mack said pointing back at Bobbi "And you're the one tied up, along with the only backup you have.
"Who the hell did you meet to get you on such a power trip? I mean, really, you're only an engineer. You shouldn't be making mission-related decisions." Coulson said aiming to rile Mack up. And it worked. The tall man stormed over and punched Coulson in the face.
"D.C.!" Skye shouted.
"You had to tie me up to beat me. There's a word for people like you, Mack. 'Loser'." Mack slammed the knife he was holding into the drywall next to Coulson's head. "Uh-huh. You're just tryna make me mad so I'll kill you. But I'm too smart for that. Stick around." he said grabbing Coulson's jaw on the last part.
"For what?" Coulson asked. "Your boss' lame take over? Like I couldn't stop it."
"You can't." Mack chuckled.
"I will." Coulson promised.
"Keep dreaming. No one can stop the real S.H.I.E.L.D. Gonzalez has got it wired, Coulson. He built this organisation along with Fury and got none of the credit, well come dawn, he's getting paid. And I, an engineer, will be sitting at his right hand. Now, we don't want to kill you, but if you don't conform, we will. Think about that when your precious Mockingbird is cutting into you."
"I never knew you had so much rage in you." Coulson said sadly.
"What can I say? I'm the world's best actor."
"Second best." Bobbi emotionlessly spoke up from behind him. Realisation dawned on Mack's face as a smirk grew on Coulson's knowing he was right.
"Dawn. You think we missed anything?"
"I think we know everything he knows." Bobbi answered with a smirk of her own.
"May I say something?" Coulson asked Mack. He pulled his hands free of the cuffs which Bobbi hadn't actually clipped into place "Psych."
"You played me. You played me!" Mack shouted at Coulson then Bobbi.

Mack angrily grabbed Bobbi and threw her across the room knocking her into Coulson but it didn't take the blonde long to recover and attack Mack herself. Unfortunately, due to the distance he had created between them, Mack saw her coming and struck out with the knife he had been holding. However, as fighting wasn't his speciality Bobbi was able to easily block his obvious move and disable him by kicking him in the back of the knee, sending Mack stumbling forward. Unleashing his anger at the double agent, Mack backhanded Bobbi in the face followed by a left hook which she used the force of to help her roll back to the table of torture instruments. Bobbi grabbed a knife off the tray but was kicked while she was down by Mack. Bobbi used her lowered position to sweep Mack's legs out from under him. Now that they were level with each other Bobbi and Mack both had their knives pointed at each other's throats.

Bobbi looked totally okay with that fact but Mack's expression was shocked as he looked down at the cold metal pressed against his carotid artery. "What are you gonna do, B? Kill me? You're not ready for that." Bobbi remained steely, although inside she didn't want to kill her longtime friend. Luckily, Coulson was never a fan of killing and hit Mack on the back of the head with a fire extinguisher finishing the conversation.

"Hello Mockingbird." He greeted the double agent.
"Hi boss." She replied looking up at him as she pulled one of the corners of her mouth into a smile.
"So, Gonzales is in charge. Who else is there?" Coulson asked.
"Weaver, Oliver and Calderon (he's ours by the way)." Bobbi listed.
"Hmm. Weaver? That's surprising. Calderon, on the other hand, I've met him - I can see how he'd piss the two of you off. Where is he by the way?"
"Locked in a cage."
"Ahh. That explains a lot."
"Yeah, Gonzales doesn't like powered people unless they're under his control." Bobbi explained. "So, you might want to send Skye away. Like, now."
"Wait, what? No! You just tied us all up and were going to torture us - now you're giving out orders."
"Skye." Coulson cut her off "It was lie."
"I thought that part was quite obvious." Bobbi said dejectedly.
"Some people just don't understand the way we work." Coulson reassured her. "I do like the sending Skye away option, but I fear we're too short on time. What's your next step?"
"I have to report to Gonzales, pretend Mack's just busy with an errand. And the rest of it depends on how long it takes Jace to break out of a reinforced steel, titanium and little bit of vibramium box."
"Hmm. Bring them here."
"Really? Why?"
"I just think it'll be more poetic. Plus, you know the lay of the land where they are but we don't, so if we fight there, we'll be at a disadvantage."
"Okay." Bobbi agreed.
"Good luck Team Blonde."
"It's not luck that's gonna help us." Bobbi said looking back at Coulson over her shoulder.

Hunter followed her out of the room. "Bob!"
Bobbi sighed turning back around "I know, I know. But like Coulson said: we're short on time - so can you please wait to shout at me for lying to you again."
"I wasn't going to... at least not now. This is different... I mean, Mack just tried to torture us all and kill you, so..." Hunter said still not quite believing what he had seen. "I still wish you had told me though."
"I know."
"Don't die out there."
"Don't die in here." She replied "Get Mack moved to Vault D whilst he's still unconscious and make sure it's on mute so they won't be able to find him."
"Yes boss." He mockingly saluted her. "Oh, and Hunter."
"Don't try and do anything stupid like interrogate or attack him."
"What on earth would give you that idea?" Hunter defended himself before walking back into the room to carry out her instructions.

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