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The British royal family is comprised of King Phillip Coulson, the late Queen Isabelle Hartley Coulson, their wayward heir Prince Lancelot Hunter Hartley Coulson and his more responsible brother Prince Leopold Fitzgerald Hartley Coulson.

The two princes were currently taking a sabbatical from their royal duties. Prince Leopold was beginning his enrolment at the University of St. Andrews to study a PhD in physics. Whereas, Prince Lance followed the more traditional route for the royals and joined the RAF.

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Whilst out in Afghanistan Lance was part of a joint UK and US task force.

One night everyone on the base was partaking in social activities and bonding:

(A/n: Liam = Hunter, Ophelia = Bobbi)

The Prince obliged with her request and took her to his bed in his much fancier dorm than the normal army barracks and he kept his word that the woman in his bed should be savoured.

The next morning they were awoken by a voice at the door "Good morning, your highness, Agent Morse, morning briefing is in the command centre at 0730 hours and it is 0700 hours now." Lance's personal bodyguard, ironically from and nicknamed, Idaho, called.

One Idaho left, Bobbi quickly got up and dressed. "What's the rush, love?" Prince Lance asked as he stretched and flexed his arms which Bobbi smirked at and tried to repress a chuckle. "The rush, your royal highness, is that my older brother was supposed to arrive from the Istanbul CIA base early this morning and my Daddy's old SEAL team are starting their deployment today - some of the guys who knew him check in on me. You really want them all to find me here?"
"Mm, no, not really. So, is fighting the war on terror a family business?"
"Pretty much."
"So, um, you're going to be busy for the next few days I take it?" Lance asked pulling on a pair of pants.
"Yes, I'd imagine so."
"Mm. Shame. I'd really like to continue last night's conversation... and other activities." He said coming around to stand in front of her, picking up Bobbi's hand and slowly kissing the back of it.
Bobbi swallowed hard "Are you sure that's allowed? I might look like a Barbie but I'm not a fucktoy. I'm sure you can find some poor girl who would love to keep your bed warm until you go back to London and find someone more suitable." She snapped deciding that it would be better to face reality sooner rather than later. "Good day, Prince Lance and good luck in your deployment. Don't die out there." Bobbi said taking her hand back and leaving.

Entering the command centre Bobbi saw her older adoptive brother, Clint, and his girlfriend, Natasha, already sitting at the briefing table, probably having decided it wasn't worth heading to their bunk first by the time they got in. "Hey big bro!"
"Hey Bobbi!" They called getting up to hug her. Afterwards, Clint immediately pulled her down into the seat next to him and crouched forward saying "We've been hearing interesting(?) rumours. Please tell me you didn't call the heir to the English throne an 'idiot'?"
Bobbi cleared her throat trying to think of a way to spin the story but ultimately knew that there was too many witnesses and it would never work. "In my defence..."
"Oh my god!" They both exclaimed and Clint put his head in his hands.
"I was at least 50% drunk and so was he. So... It was okay. He wasn't mad, more...."
"Shocked, in awe, mesmerised?" Natasha suggested.
"No." Bobbi protested "Although I do think he appreciated someone speaking so frankly to him."
"Mm, I'm sure that's all he appreciated." Clint remarked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, you're you." Natasha explained looking the beautiful blonde up and down.

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