Notes to read b4 starting

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I'll write the chapters when I feel like it- might not be very neat though as ill just be quickly writing down my ideas but hopefully once this story finished, ill rewrite it into a good draft...

Some notes to help you understand the story/formatting better

Regular text font for narration obviously,

This is regular speaking, Example: "Wow, I am speaking!",

Regular italic is the person's thoughts, Example: I'm so tired.

Italic quotation marks is someone speaking in their mind, Example: "Ha...If only she knew..",

Italic with asterisks is a sound, Example: *Bang!*,

You have to read solo-leveling before reading this so it will make sense (which should be common sense)

May also contain spoilers as this story will not stray too far off the path of solo-leveling's actual events/storyline.

Y/N = Your Name
Y/N = Your last name
Y/C = Your color of the thing/object it is referring to
Y/S = Your size of the thing referred to

The default POV is the main character of my story, aka you, and will be in bold underline if it's any other POVs.

Let me know if there is any errors/mistakes grammatically, and please star + comment if you enjoy the story!

Dual leveling // Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now