Chapter 24 - The Final Chapter

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When Ben first asked me about the Third Proclamation, about bringing all of the innocents over from The Isle, I thought he was crazy. I thought the idea was absolutely ludicrous. When he told me that I actually had a say in it, I hated it. I was terrified of having that kind of responsibility over so many lives.

Mother always said that I was destined to rule, but it was always implied that she meant as a second-in-command to herself. She wouldn't give up control until she was dead in the ground, and as a dark faery, that wouldn't be for a very, very long time. I always thought her wise because of her age. She had lived for much longer than any king or queen of Auradon. Maybe destiny is all bullshit. Maybe I wasn't meant to rule, but that didn't mean I couldn't make a difference. I don't need horns and wings or a fancy title to change lives. Ben gave me the opportunity to help so many kids. Was it scary? Yes. Was I sure it was the right idea? Absolutely. The balance of power that Uma and I held on The Isle before wasn't ideal, but it was better than what they had now. It would take a lot more time and resources to make The Isle safe and habitable for the rest of the villains, but the least I could do for the moment was keep the children safe.

The meeting was called just hours after Uma and I arrived back in Auradon. We didn't want to wait after what we had seen. In hindsight, we should have waited until morning. The meeting took eons. Well, it felt like it took forever, but with the help of Evie's magic, the meeting only lasted a few hours of "real" time. Magic didn't help me to be any less exhausted by the end of it. It was decided that as long as the current VKs in Auradon stayed out of trouble and passed all of their classes by the end of the school year that the proclamation would be approved. It wasn't difficult to agree to those very reasonable terms.

"I don't know how you do this all the time," I groaned as I walked down the hill from Beast's castle to Auradon University with my two favorite women.

"Please, Mal. I know the hill is steep, but did you really want me to wake up Roger just to have him drive us a mile back to campus?"

"Yes," Uma muttered quietly. She was as drained as I was, I'm sure.

"I meant working more than twenty-four hours a day. Doesn't it get old? I feel like I haven't slept in days."

"Well, I have many more hours to a day than you do. It all balances out; I just have to make sure I'm taking care of myself," she explained easily.

"Mal, can't you go full dragon again? Just this once, so you could fly us back to the dorm?" Uma inquired, her heels dragging in the half-brown spring grass.

I laughed, but it wasn't funny. "Not yet, but I am going to ask Fairy Godmother about reconsidering me for a magic major. After what I did today, I think I've finally shown enough heart ."

"She better. You've got more heart than anyone I know, Mal," Uma said, throwing me a loving glance.

"And what about you? Are you interested in majoring in magic, too?" I wondered.

Uma sighed. "Nah. Healing magic is for temporary problems. I've got my eyes on the bigger ones. I'm going to major in political science," she announced proudly.

Evie gasped, clutching her chest dramatically. "A girl after my own heart!"

"Hey now," I interjected, but all of us were smiling. "You're going to be amazing," I assured her.

"I already am amazing, but thanks," Uma gloated, chest puffed out.

"Poli-sci can be really tough. Don't be afraid to come to me for help if you need it, okay?" Evie offered kindly.

"Why thank you, princess; I just may take you up on that offer," Uma replied.

"Then we can swap stories about Mal," Evie added, a mischievous glint in her eye.

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