LIALG - Chapter 20

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"That went well," Evie sighed contently. The bed dipped down with her weight as she sat on its edge, undoing the straps of her heels.

"All things considered," I mumbled. I wrapped the covers more tightly around my body, as if they could physically keep out the topic of Uma.

"She seemed so much...different tonight. It was nice," she pointed out.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her that's how Uma always was, that long ago we just misunderstood her.

"I had a feeling the only reason she hated me now was because you and I were so close. I don't blame her for feeling threatened; she doesn't have much in her life to hold dear," she continued, hitting the nail on the head. She pulled back the blanket just enough to slide in next to me but not expose my skin to the cool air. Shortly after, her body was flush against mine, and her arm was securely around my waist. When a few moments passed with no reply, she spoke again. "I'll be on my best behavior, M. I really want to make this work. I know how much Uma means to you, and I'd never make you choose between us," she revealed, placing a sweet kiss to my shoulder.

A dejected sigh escaped me. Why did she have to be so perfect? As much as I didn't want to feed into the conversation, I had to acknowledge her generosity and compassion. "Thank you, E. I really appreciate it," I whispered, taking her hand and placing a kiss to it before holding it close to my chest.

Sensing she wasn't going to get more out of me, she nuzzled my neck and kissed it one last time. "Of course. Goodnight, M".

And as I lay there, trying desperately to focus on how Evie felt wrapped around me, I couldn't shake the lingering feeling of Uma's lips on mine.

* * *

"Hey there, sleepyhead!" Evie greeted as we walked up the stairs to the girls' common room. Uma was sprawled out on the largest couch, one leg hanging over the back of it.

The pirate grunted in reply, clearly still groggy with sleep.

"I was going to invite you to breakfast with us. We waited for you to wake up for a while, but pretty soon it would have been lunch," Evie gently scolded, throwing a doggy bag on Uma's stomach while I made myself comfortable on the couch across from hers.

Brown eyes snapped open in surprise and excitement. The crinkling of the bag was loud in the mostly empty castle.

"You're welcome," Evie hummed, grabbing Uma's ankle and walking around the couch to guide the girl's foot to the floor.

"Sorry," Uma apologized ruefully. "Thanks, princess," she added, holding up a chicken strip in acknowledgment.

For some reason, the nickname made my blood boil. But when Evie strut over and sat with her arm around my shoulders and her legs over mine, it cooled to a simmer. I let my fingers trace along her skin, appreciating the way they left goosebumps in their wake.

"I hope you like chicken strips. I figured it was a safe choice," Evie said.

"Girl, I'll eat anything," Uma admitted before taking another bite.

Evie chuckled at the comment. "Noted." After a few moments of silence, she spoke again. "So, how did you end up here? You slept in your room last night, didn't you?"

At that, Uma's cheeks darkened. "Yeah, I, uh, I slept in my dorm room."

When she didn't continue, I gave her a pointed look. "C'mon, finish your story."

Uma's eyebrows wiggled mischievously. "I don't know Mal, I'm not feeling..." she trailed off, knowing full well how much it annoyed me when she didn't finish her sentences.

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