The loop

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Here i was. Running as fast as i could, trying my hardest to not look behind at the..thing chasing me.       

Our loop was gone..destroyed..I'll never see them again. I remember it but it was also a blur. Miss Starling..the children all gone..that thing chasing me...slaughtered them in front of me.

I felt a tear run down my cheek when i looked back and seen the thing wasn't following anymore. I found myself in a woods, no idea where i was i sat down on a log trying to capture my breath back, God knows how long I've been running for. I seen the darkness starting creep over the beautiful sky and decided I needed to find a place to stay.

I walked out the woods my feat heavily and sloppily hitting the leaves from exhaustion. It wasn't long before i came across a sign which stated the words "Cairnholm village 4 miles" Me being exhausted i cheered myself up (it was a given fail but I was motivated to find this village).

I walked for what seemed like miles before coming onto a hill and seeing the village my eyes light up, I was tired and hungry but that all went away as soon as i seen the lit up cottages. I stumbled down the hill and walked into what seemed to be a pub.

"Where am I exactly?" I asked the guy behind the bar. He looked rather confused "Can you not read? Eh? The Priest Hole in Cairnholm" I was too tired to fight back at his statement and thanked him before sitting on a bench outside the pub. I quickly fell asleep (can you blame me? Ive been running for hours!)

It soon became day, the uncomfortable bench woke me up more than the beaming sun. As i sat up i saw a rather unusual girl with what seemed to be...metal shoes?

Being half awake I assumed it was just me hallucinating until i saw her again. It was if she was looking for me, i shrugged it off and got up off the bench, seeing my clothes made me gag they had been covered in mud and there were rips on my trousers.

I couldn't help but look at the girl with the metal shoes. "Hello? You need something?" I said trying to sound polite (it obviously didn't)
The girl just stood there not knowing what to do. I approached her slowly and carefully not knowing who she was.

"Hello??" I said again looking at her. We were only a few feet away from each other before she spoke up.

"Are you y/n?" I was shocked on how she knew my name, I've never seen her before! "Yes?" I answered sceptical of who she was. "You need to come with me." Her voice was rather soothing but i was not just going to follow some stranger who knows my name.

"why should i? I don't even know you!" I proclaimed. She looked annoyed I wasn't co-operating with her. "Please just come I'll explain everything on the way" Me being confused and sceptical before coming closer and slowly agreeing with her.
She seemed delighted i had accepted what she said and quickly grabbed my hand and we started walking.

"Well?" I said looking for explanation. "Don't worry" she chuckled "I'll explain in a moment" She took me towards an overgrown path in a woods before slowing down her pace."

Im Emma" she said looking at me while letting go of my hand "Where are you taking me?" I asked curious for an answer "Your loop was attacked correct?"

I was shocked she knew i had a loop, and that she knew me..a peculiar..could she be one?..No she couldn't be Miss Starling never mentioned another loop anywhere nearby us!

"Hello?" She snapped her fingers making me come out of my day dream. I was filled was questions but answered her simply "yea, how did you know" the blonde haired girl looked me in my eye "Miss Peregrine sent me to get you" Miss Peregrine? Who the fuck is that?

"She told me she saw you running away from what seemed to be your loop" she said while walking "how do you know about my loop? Only peculiars know what that is?" Me being confused as hell looked at the girl as she giggled "You're not very smart are you? Im also a peculiar" she smiled "But, Miss Starling never said anything about other peculiars in the area" i explained.

We made it to a small cave and the girl Emma i think her name was looked around before entering the cave dragging me along with her "Don't worry, Miss Peregrine will explain this to you, but for now you must stay here, for safety reason of course" we exited the cave and i saw the most most gorgeous house ever. I stared in amazement before Emma said "Welcome to our loop!" She smiled and kept walking down a dirt path.

A sarcastic smile to a loving one (Enoch O'Connor)Where stories live. Discover now