A Discussion Only Between Us Three

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After dinner, Enoch and I decided to sit under his usual tree to get away from the whispering from the excited children "I'm sorry I blurted it out like that" Enoch spoke towards me "it's fine Enoch" I smiled back taking a hold of his hand "well now everyone knows about us" He said looking down at our hands, I nodded smiling leaning my head on his shoulder "good" I spoke, he chuckled "Im glad you came here y/n" He spoke softly.

"Hm?" I looked up confused on what the boy was talking about.

"I mean I'm glad you came to this loop and not some other one" He added looking at me. I nodded "ohh, I'm glad I came here too, I couldn't imagine being in another" I sighed and pecked his cheek leaving him with a light blush spread across his face "promise me something?" His Scottish accent dancing through his words, I looked up at him humming in response "promise, you'll never leave?" He asked rather nervously, softly rubbing my hand with his thumb "why would you think that? I promise you I'll never leave, you have my word" I said in confidence while sitting up to reassure him. He nodded and pulled me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me "good, that's good" he sighed kissing my temple, I smiled blushing.

We sat under the tree for an hour or something before heading inside. Walking into the kitchen we were called back by the headmistress "y/n! Enoch!" We both turned around rather nervous on what she would say "I believe we have something to discuss?" She stated taking a seat at the table, gesturing us to sit too. We both merely nodded and looked down at the table "so, how long has this been going on for?" She asked clasping her hands together and resting them on her lap "ehm, not that long" I replied quietly rather embarrassed of this conversation.

She nodded and looked at Enoch "and I presume you know the consequences that come with a relationship, correct?" Enoch nodded slightly and looked down at his shoes "then, I dont exactly see a problem with this" she added looking between us both "but I must say, you both are responsible for anything that happens between you" I looked up looking into her eyes "there must be rules set" Miss Peregrine stated as Enoch and I looked at each other "rule number 1, this conversation stays between us three, number 2 you two shall sleep in separate rooms at all times" I raised my eyebrows "that's a joke right?" I laughed slightly but quickly quietened down when Miss Peregrine sharply turned towards me.
"Number 3, there will be no how should I say this, intercourse between you both" I snickered and covered my mouth at the sentence while Enoch looked down to cover his smiling face "Im warning you both, if I hear or see anything of the sort there will be major consequences!" She raised a pointing finger at us as we nodded slightly "Finally number 4, please keep all the touching and kissing away from the younger children" She said.

"We promise we will Miss Peregrine" I said finally uncovering my mouth and placing my hands on my lap "good, now if any of these rules are broken there will be severe consequences! Well now that that's sorted you may both leave for the movie" Miss Peregrine finally stated as Enoch and I stood up walking into the parlour.

Sitting down on the sofa next to Enoch the children all glanced at us childishly giggling before looking away. Not long after Miss Peregrine walked in allowing Horace to project his dreams onto the blank wall in front of him.

The dream flashed in and out of Horace trying on new clothes and different hats, that was until it switched to when Jake arrived this morning with Miss Peregrine giving him a proper tour of the garden. Hugh and Fiona both glanced at the two teens sitting together (that being Jake and Emma) before turning back to the dream, it now warping into Jake and Emma in some kind of old study that looked rather disgusting may I add as they slowly lean in to... "that will be all for tonight thank you Horace!" Miss Peregrine switched the lights on with a smile.

The children groaned in protest making me let out a giggle as they desperately pleaded to see the rest "now now, out all of you it's time for reset" she ushered everyone out the room and into the garden. The same old routine happened the bomb about to fall, it reversing back into the plane, the squirrel running along the tree, same old same old but it still intrigued me how nice this loop was even though it was quite last minute.

"Are you coming y/n?" Enoch asked as I was spaced out and everyone had already gone inside and off to bed.

"Mhm!" I nodded before taking his hand and walking in. We walked upstairs and we stood at the top of the stairs "well goodnight" I chuckled and he smiled before looking around and leaning down planting a soft delicate kiss to my lips. I blushed kissing back before he leaned back up "goodnight" he said with a smile as he watched me slowly walk into my shared room before he returned to his own.

Olive was sat up waiting for me with a big smile on her face "well! Do tell!" She squealed with excitement as I sat down on my bed "Olive..I think I'm in love" I smiled and kicked my legs childishly "oh I am happy for you truly!" She smiled before laying down "Now to find you one" I said also laying down "yea that's if anyone new comes" she sighed "there's always a chance don't worry Olive" I reassured and with that we both drifted off to sleep.

Heyyyyy! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been caught up in a lot of stuff! But I'm back and ready to continue this woop woop! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I dunno how I feel after writing it.


A sarcastic smile to a loving one (Enoch O'Connor)Where stories live. Discover now