A new perspective

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The next morning i woke up feeling ill "oh god" i said tiredly rubbing my eyes. Olive got up "I'm never doing that again" i chuckled.

"i can't even remember anything except..." then it hut me "the hollow!.. oh no Emma and Enoch are they alright!?"

Olive looked shocked and we both got up running into Emma's room too see she was still asleep, we sighed in relief and we both ran to Enoch's room and saw him sitting on the bed with one hand on his head, me and Olive looked at each other giggling and he looked up

"what is it" he said sounding tired "just making sure you're alright from last night" he sighed "don't remind me" Olive giggled "you coming for breakfast?" I asked and he nodded slowly getting up, we all walked downstairs and sat at the table.

"I can't eat" Enoch said whispering i nodded in agreement but Olive felt fine. Emma and the others came and sat at the table and Miss Peregrine came in putting breakfast in front of us, I couldn't look at the plate without feeling sick "may i be excused" i asked looking at Miss Peregrine.

"of course dear" she said looking concerned, i got up heading into the parlour sitting down on a sofa holding my stomach.

What a night, I'm never drinking again.

I got up sitting on my bed with my hand on my forehead it was aching like someone had punched me several times.

Y/n and Olive came in asking how i was, i felt like shit but I answered saying i was alright, it wasn't until    y/n came in when I remembered the truth or dare game.

It was such a stupid game to play drunk but anyways. We all walked downstairs and sat at the table "I cant eat" i whispered and i saw y/n agree and before i knew it Emma came in along with the others, she looked terrible.

Miss Peregrine put breakfast on the table, i was almost sick before y/n asked to be excused, i was concerned as she walked into the parlour..i mean i don't have feelings for her or anything..i just want to make sure she's alright thats all!

I looked at Miss Peregrine "may i be excused as-well?" she nodded knowing i would presumably go check on y/n. I entered the parlour to see her sitting on the sofa pale as a ghost.

As i sat on the sofa i felt like i was dying until Enoch came in, i looked up at him "came to give me a sarcastic lecture?"

I said trying not to be sick "no actually, i came to see if you're alright" i smiled a little "may i come in?"

I nodded moving over on the sofa as he sat down, i leaned my head against the top of the couch "do you remember anything y/n? From last night?" Enoch asked sounds a little nervous.

"pfft, i only remember the hollow chasing us" Enoch sighed in relief "why did something happen?" I asked.

Enoch went a little red and shook his head "nope! Nothing" i giggled a little and i think he cracked the tiniest, tiniest smile.

I yawned "tired?" Enoch asked looking at his watch "yep" its only 7:35am" he said raising an eyebrow "considering i was running for my life half the night, I deserve some sleep" i sat up and felt a pain in my stomach, wincing Enoch sat up concerned "what's wrong!?" "my..my stomach!.."

I lifted my shirt up a little too see a massive bruise around a wound "shit!.." i winced again and Enoch lay me down on the sofa "don't worry y/n, just hang in there" i saw him run upstairs and he came back down with a bunch of medical things before i blacked out.

A sarcastic smile to a loving one (Enoch O'Connor)Where stories live. Discover now