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Finally it was time for lunch, and Y/n made her way to the cafeteria. She sighed, feeling unsuccessful in making friends. She spotted a girl from her class walking to the cafeteria by herself, and decided to ask to eat with her. With a surge of confidence, Y/n went up and tapped the girl on her shoulder.

"Hi! Can I eat with you?" She asked, smiling.

The girl look Y/n up and down and gave a sheepish grin. 

"Sorry, but you fought with Jennie earlier didn't you? Please don't talk to me again." 

Before Y/n could even defend herself the girl had turned and quickly sped away.

Y/n stood alone the hallway, feeling defeated. What's so special about that Jennie girl? and we didn't even fight... She just got all pissy. Y/n thought to herself, practically storming off towards the lunch room. 

After getting her food, she went outside to find somewhere to eat. She look behind corners and around walls, looking for the most secluded place. She settled on a spot underneath the bleachers and sat on the concrete. Her lunch was nothing special, and her appetite was already fading. Moments later, Felix appeared in front of her. His usually cheerful mood was gone, and his face was stern, brows furrowed with anger. Y/n knew he was there but choose not look up, instead she started eating her lunch, focusing on the food in front of her.

Felix sat with a sigh, finally causing Y/n to meet his eyes. He was staring straight at her, holding eye contact.

"I hate Jennie." was all he said. This was enough to draw emotion out from Y/n who let out a dramatic groan.  Felix of course had seen everything that had happened that morning, including Jennie and the girl from the hallway.

"I mean how was I supposed to know it was her seat?! And we didn't even fight like that other girl said! I moved when I found out didn't I?!" Y/n always counted on Felix to be on her side. He was the one person who had her back no matter what.

"I swear if she ever does anything else, I'm going to confront her! She can't-"

"Felix! No! Don't confront her about anything!! Seriously, it's fine I can just deal with it on my own..." Y/n said, taking another bite of her food. The boy just rolled his eyes at her stubbornness.

Then, they heard voices and steps on the bleachers above them. The pair looked up and managed to make out Jennie with three other girls. Y/n put a finger over her mouth, telling Felix to be quiet as they began eavesdropping on the girls conversation above them.

"That new girl really ticked me off. She was flirting with Hyunjin too. Honestly if she hadn't moved when he told her too I don't know what I would've done."

Felix's eyes went wide and mouth fell when he heard this. He began mouthing curse words at Jennie, throwing air punches and expressing his anger in a quiet way. Y/n would've laughed on any other day, it looked like she watched a silent film, but she was too busy blushing at Jennie's mention of Hyunjin. The vague threat was enough to make Y/n uncomfortable as well, despite not necessarily feeling scared. She quickly packed up her remaining lunch and left, walking as far away form the situation as she could. Felix was following quickly behind, trying to catch up.

"Why don't I just enroll in your school?" He called out, making the girl stop to turn.

"No! It's fine, ONE person doesn't like me, that's all. You don't have to follow me around like a body guard because of it." 

"Y/n that's like,, literally my job."

"I always rely on you, this time I can handle it on my own." 

The girl sounded like she was trying to convince herself just as much as convince Felix. She stared down at her feet, avoiding eye contact. The boy just sighed and gave her a hug, wrapping his arms tight around her body. It allowed Y/n to relax and lean into the hug. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, her foul mood already dissipating.

After a moment the lunch bell rang, signaling it was time to go back to class. The sound of footsteps were gradually becoming louder, and Felix was gone.  Y/n walked back to her class alone, dreading the second half of the day. On her way back she noticed Jennie talking to a boy next to the lockers. Y/n tried to speed up her pace and quickly pass by, but suddenly she couldn't feel her feet under her anymore. The ground came racing towards her and she put her hands out to catch herself. Looking back, Y/n saw Jennies foot extended into where Y/n just walked. 

Jennie just snickered at the girl laying on the ground. The boy she was with extended his hand to help Y/n up, but his face didn't look like the kind, generous type.

"Let me help you up pretty thing." He spoke, but the words sounded sour.

"Don't call her pretty." Jennie said, walking away. The boy just shrugged and followed her, leaving Y/n sprawled on the hallway floor. She quickly got up and hurried back to class, feeling embarrassed and angry.

She sat down at her desk, slumping her head onto the table. She knew Felix was most likely enraged, throwing a fit right now. The thought of him brought a smile to her face, making her day slightly better. Suddenly, she heard a small tap on her desk and lifted her head. She saw Hyunjin standing in front of her, a small smile on his face.

"Are you okay? First days can be rough." He said.

"I'm okay, thank you." 

After hearing her response, he smiled and walked away. Is he being nice to me or is it just because he is class president?

As soon as the bell rang for school to end, Y/n rushed out the door. She was the first one out of the gate, excited to go home. Waiting outside for her was Felix, who had to quickly pick up his pace to follow her.

"Y/n, seriously I'm enrolling in your school." He called after her. She didn't stop walking until the school was out of sight behind her, only then did she turn around to respond.

"No! I can handle it! Someone like you would definitely draw attention to me! That's the last thing I need." 

Y/n looked at Felix, taking in his appearance. He was extraordinarily handsome, the blonde hair framing his face perfectly. His narrow chin suited his lips, which were perfectly placed and plump yet defined. His nose was round, like button and scattered with freckles. They sat on his cheeks like stars, following up his cheek bones and reaching his eyes. His eyes were probably y/n's favorite thing about him. They were dark brown, holding so much emotion within. Even in his white t-shirt and ripped jeans, Felix looked like a model. No one this attractive can go to my school, I'd bet anything Jennie would be all over him.

"Don't be ridiculous." Was all Felix said, rolling his eyes.

"Felix please!" She begged, stepping closer and hold his hands in heres. She looked into his eyes, pleading for him to agree with her. 

"Okay fine! I won't!" He said, sounding exasperated. The subtle blush on his face was barely noticeable.

"Thank you." Y/n said, turning around and finishing her walk home

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