Friend or Foe

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Y/n walked into the school gates, holding Felix's hand in her own. She tried her best to be confident, but couldn't help but shy away from the obvious stares they were receiving. She glanced over at Felix; He was smiling ear to ear and proudly marching trough the small courtyard. Y/n chuckled at his expression which instantly made her feel a bit better.

"Do I really have to go meet with Mr... Mr.. what's his name?" Felix said as they reached the school doors.

"Yes Felix just go, be a good student for once. I'll just go out back to the bleachers for the rest of free time, Jisung is probably there anyways."

Y/n waved good by as Felix stood dramatically watching her go. It almost made Y/n feel guilty but she knew better than to fall for his begging eyes. Felix's homeroom teacher requested a meeting to discuss his grades. It wasn't that Felix wasn't smart, school was just his last priority. 

I guess when you already have a full time job and basically unlimited money education isn't your concern.. Y/n thought while making her way to the bleachers. 

Jisung was leaning against a post, absorbed in a game on his phone. It was weird seeing him without Minho, but ever since the incident, Minho was expelled. Administration said it was his final straw, and no matter how many strings he pulled Minho wasn't able to stay. Now, he walked Jisung to school and spent the day waiting, always nearby just incase.

"Jisung!" She said waving cheerfully.

"Y/n! I'm glad you're here, it's been sooo boring." He said, quickly finishing the game and putting it away.

Just as she was about to speak, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm a little lost." A voice said, clear with a smile behind the words.

Y/n whipped around and saw a boy her age, he seemed to have come from nowhere. His hair was in a dark bowl cut, and his stature was small yet strong; It was clear he had muscle.

"My name is Changbin, yours? You're quite lovely to look at." He said, his confidence catching Y/n a bit off guard.

I should tell him I have a boyfriend. Y/n though, a bit excited as this was her first opportunity to claim Felix as her own. Just as Y/n opened her mouth to speak, Felix appeared between them. 

Y/n could almost see the anger surrounding Felix, and she wondered if this what his jealousy was like. In one move, Felix shoved the boy back, sending him stumbling and creating a few feet of distance.

"Felix what-"

"DON'T" Felix interrupted. "Don't speak to him, and DON'T tell him your name." Y/n had never heard his voice so serious and stern. She quickly shut her mouth and stepped back towards Jisung.

"One of you?!" Changbin said, looking at Felix. He glanced around Felix and looked at Y/n and Jisung, counting them out loud. "Girl, angel, boy.... is there another angel?" He said.

Before Y/n had time to process anything, Minho appeared and swung his fist. Y/n thought is would connect for sure; Changbin had so little time to react to the new person in front of him. To her surprise, Changbin dodged to the side and continued to avoid the following swings. 

The boy moved quickly, clearly having had some sort of practice or training. He didn't have the same grace as the angel attacking him, instead his movements were slippery. He's like a snake.. Y/n thought.

Y/n watching as Changbin took steps backwards, Minho following closely.

"Oops you went to far." 

Minho whipped around to see Changbin standing with his arm draped around Jisung's shoulder. Y/n felt her mouth fall open. She hadn't even blinked and somehow Changbin had made it around Minho, Felix, and herself to get to the boy in the back. Jisung threw Changbin's arm off of him and stumbled away, clearly just as surprised as the rest of them.

Minho looked absolutely furious, his space above his head beginning to glow. Slowly, a pair of wings unfolded from his back, revealing the crisp white feathers. They looked so soft against his angry nature. Y/n found herself stepping closer to Felix and reaching for his hand. She wasn't scared of Minho attacking her, but getting caught in the crossfire was something that DID worry her.

"Okayyy thats enough." Changbin said, putting his arm on his hip and waving a dismissive hand towards Minho. He seemed to think that Minho would calm down, but after a few seconds he was still seething with rage. "Seriously.. I was just kidding, I barely touched him...Are you really doing this in public? I'm not even here for-"

Before Changbin could finish, Minho slammed into him. Changbin fell onto the ground with Minho on top sending both of them sliding backwards. Y/n looked at Felix to see his reaction but he just stood staring, a serious look still on his face. She glanced at her hand in his and noticed his knuckles turning white. Once again, Y/n felt out of the loop. It was clear Changbin wasn't someone ordinary but she had no idea what that meant. Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts by Jisung pulling Minho off of Changbin and telling him to calm down.

"Hide your wings. You're already not supposed to be on school grounds." He said in a hushed tone.

"Wow okay ouch." Changbin said standing up slowly. "Yeah if you let me finish you'd know that was completely pointless. I'm not here for business, I'm not even allowed." His face was that of an 'I told you so' expression. 

"Like that matters. You got to close to my person, and you have the nerve to still be smug about it." Minho's words were so thick with venom Y/n was worried he would attack Changbin for a second time.

"Good one genius! Except now I know that you're in love with him! What a shame if that leaked.. you're so obvious about it too." Changbin rolled his eyes, completely unbothered by Minho's anger and attitude. 

"Are you an angel?" Y/n blurted. Judging by how he spoke and appeared behind Jisung, that seemed like the obvious case.

Felix looked at her in a mix of worry and surprise, making Y/n wonder if she had made a mistake by asking.

"Angel? Me?" Changbin said turning her attention towards the girl. Suddenly, he standing only inches away, a smirk playing at his lips. "I'm a demon."

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