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Jisung looked at Y/n with serious eyes, more serious than she had ever seen him. A silent conversation passed between the two, neither of them daring to speak yet both understanding. After a long pause, Jisung turned and started walking back towards the bonfire, Y/n following close behind.

Felix sat staring at the flames, unable to look away. Jisung had just taken Y/n down the beach and out of his sight. It felt strange not being able to look after her, so instead Felix stared intensely at the fire before him.

"She's fine. They are just talking." Minho spoke, although it wasn't enough to move Felix's eyes away from their fixed position.

"I don't like not seeing her." Felix's voice came out a bit deeper than usual, but if Minho noticed he didn't show it.

"Of course not, not to mention your.. extra investment."

Felix knew he was talking about his feelings for Y/n. Apparently he wasn't doing as well as he thought he was at keeping it secret, or maybe Minho was just that observant. Either way the comment made Felix feel defensive, it didn't help he was on edge with Y/n out of his sight.

"Well YOU'RE the expert aren't you? I hope you're not getting jealous about Y/n and Jisung being alone."

Minho scoffed loudly and rolled his eyes. "Jealous? Stop projecting, you're only saying that cause YOU can't see what's going on. Does she even know who Jisung is to her? Something tells me you don't tell her anything..."

At this, Felix snapped his eyes up at Minho. He could feel the anger rising in his chest; snappy, irrational, anger.

"You think I don't have her best interest in mind? You think I'm blinded by emotion? You-"

"Yeah actually I do. I think you're so caught up in your own feelings you hide things to keep her close."

"Oh please. You're the one the whole school is scared of cause you don't leave Jisung's side. YOU BROKE JACKSON'S ARM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL."

"At least I'm honest, when are you going to tell her? Jisung knows, because I TRUST him. I'm not SCARED of him LEAVING me."

At this Felix stood up, glaring down at Minho. Minho smirked knowing he struck a nerve. His sly expression only made Felix more angry, he marched closer up to Minho and grabbed his shirt collar, forcing him to stand up. The two boys stood illuminated by the flames' orange glow, shadows dancing on their face. Felix's narrowed eyes stared into Minhos, who still wore the victorious grin.

"Wow. You really have a temper when she's not around to see."

Felix felt his anger dissipate, replaced with mere irritation and a hint of shame. With the last of his emotion he threw Minho to the side, causing him to stumble before catching himself. Minho could've resisted the toss, or fought against Felix, but he allowed him to toss him aside and watched as Felix sank back down on the sand. He resumed his position staring at the fire, unblinking and unmoving.

Minho dusted himself off and sat back in his seat, taking a deep breath while running his hands through his hair. The silence was heavy, but neither boys had anything else to say. Felix stared at the flickering orange light, only looking up when he heard footsteps approaching in the sand. Y/n and Jisung stood in front of him, and his eyes immediately softened at the sight of her. Felix couldn't help but think about how the lighting complimented her features, making her face glow.

"It feels tense." Jisung said, mostly to Minho who shrugged and looked away.

Felix patted the spot in the sand next to him, invited Y/n to sit. He felt a huge relief wash over him with her in his sight again. Y/n shuffled over and sat, tentatively leaning her head on his shoulder. Her heart was racing. Since admitting to herself that she loved Felix, she spent the whole walk back deciding how to face him. Does he feel the same way? She couldn't really tell. Judging from Jisung's reaction he seemed to think Felix did, but Y/n was filled with doubt. Felix rested his head on top of Y/n's, interrupting her thoughts. She allowed herself to relax, and melt further into him. The soft crackle of the bonfire paired with the rhythmic crash of waves made her feel sleepy, and she wondered just exactly what time it was. The moon was shining so she knew it must've been late, slowly she felt her eyes start to close.

"Are you tired?" Felix's deep voice jerked her eyes back open, even in his hushed tone it startled her awake.

"Yeah I am, I think I should go to bed."

Felix stood and offered Y/n his hands, gently lifting her from the sand. He nodded a goodnight to Jisung and Minho before turning and walking back towards the house, Y/n in tow. She waved and whispered a goodnight to both of them, allowing herself to be led by Felix.

"What did you talk about with Minho?" Y/n asked once they were out of earshot.

"You. What did you talk about with Jisung?"


Felix stopped walking and turned around to face Y/n. The silence between them was thick, and Y/n felt her breath catch slightly.

"What did you say about me?" He asked, his voice low and breathy. Y/n wasn't exactly sure how to answer. She didn't want to confess everything... did she? She couldn't quite make herself meet Felix's eyes, and she could feel his body leaning slightly closer. When she finally made her self look up, he was only inches from her face. His eyes were low, scanning her features delicately. Y/n opened her mouth to say something but couldn't find the words.

Felix reached up and gently held a strand of her hair before pulling away and standing up straight. Y/n felt his close presence leave and her heart slowly return it's normal rate.

"Come on Y/n, you're tired." Felix said, once again leading her to bed.

Y/n mentally cursed herself for her hesitation. She wondered what would've gone different if she spoke; What if she had told him everything, and said right then that she loved him?

It wasn't long before Y/n found herself in her pajamas laying in the soft bed. Felix layed beside her, and she allowed herself to roll over curling into his side. His wings encompassed her body, the soft feathers feeling familiar and warm. Within a few minutes, Y/n fell sound asleep.

Felix x Reader : Guardian WingsWhere stories live. Discover now