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Jeongin practically sprinted to the student council room, thankful no one else had arrived yet. He took a deep breath/straightening his shirt before making his way across the room to the back corner. He slightly pushed a filing cabinet aside revealing the crooked floorboard underneath. After taking one last glance over his shoulder, he reached down and pulled slightly. A small crack sounded, a warding symbol written underneath on the school's foundation. A huge sigh of relief escaped as he saw it unchanged. but then why did Changbin show up? He thought, quickly standing up and stomping the board back down and moving the filing cabinet back into place.

"Jeongin! Where were you this morning?"

Jeongin jumped at the noise, barely  managing to keep a straight face. He turned around and met Hyunjins eyes. Hyunjin stood at the front of the room, staring back with a look of disbelief. 

"I mean really, every morning you nag me but today, you should've come by today! I was doing exactly what I was supposed to: showing that new student around. Although Y/n did have to tell me... doesn't matter!" Hyunjin rambled about his success, clearly proud.

Jeongin rolled his eyes, making his way across the room. He did give Hyunjin a hard time, but Jeongin couldn't care less whether or not he was upholding his presidential duties. Any extra time Hyunjin spent doing student council was extra time with him, and THAT he cared about.

However, now Jeongin was concerned about the 'new student', worried about what he said to Hyunjin or what Hyunjin said to him.

"And? What was he like? Did he do anything weird?" Jeongin tried to come off casual, but he could see Hyunjin's instance confusion and silently cringed.

"Weird? I mean he was bit over-confident? I guess?" Hyunjin said, thinking back to his tour.

Changbin came off strong to anyone he met, and meeting Hyunjin was no different. His boarder-line flirting had weirded Hyunjin out, but he chalked it up to just a weird personality. Plus Y/n was the one who brought Changbin, but he wasn't sure what they were doing together. 

Jeongin felt a bit of relief at Hyunjin's answer. Nothing weird.. That means he didn't mention me at least. He rolled his eyes internally at 'over-confident'. That was exactly how Changbin tended to act, especially when he wasn't at the house.

"Come on Hyunjin, We have a lot to do." Jeoning said, wanting to change the topic and stop thinking about Changbin at the school.  

Hyunjin let out an overly dramtic sigh, dropping his shoulders and looking down at he floor. Jeongin smiled at him, quickly hiding it when Hyunin stood up straight and began sifting through various papers.

"We should really finalize the booths for the school fair. We still need a couple of submission forms from some of the clubs.. and we have to turn them in." Hyunjin said, talking to no one in particular.

Y/n headed towards to school gates, excited that the day had finally ended. Felix walked beside her, Jisung practically sprinting ahead. Minho stood on the other side, a small smile on his face as he waited for Jisung.

The two shared a small hug upon seeing each other, making Y/n forget just how scary Minho can be. He really was sweet, just protective. 

"Did you guys see that demon again?" Minho asked, directing his question towards Y/n and Felix.

"Nope!" Y/n answered for the both of them. "After Hyunjin showed him around I don't know what he did." She shrugged, clearly not very concerned about the situation.

"Right.. Hyunjin." Minho answered, almost hiding the annoying in the voice.

Oh yeah, Hyunjin mentioned not getting along with Jisung. I wonder what that was about..

"Let's go for smoothies, I'm really craving one. Are you guys free?" Jisung said excitedly.

Soon the group found themselves crammed into a booth of a nearby shop, happily drinking a unique flavor. Everyone's drink had four straws poked inside, allowing for everyone to try a taste. Y/n took a sip from Minho's, and thought about the flavor before answering.

"The pineapple definitely adds some tang but the banana is too overpowering."

"I think the banana is just right." Minho retaliated, sliding his drink back to himself and taking a sip.

"Hey! I didn't say I didn't like it!" Y/n reached across and took the drink back, immediately having large sip.

Minho's eyes widened as he frantically tried taking the smoothie back. "Thats too much!!" He yelled. Jisung to burst out laughing at the pair, causing his own smoothie to spill from this mouth onto the table.

"EWW!" Felix cried out. "Did you guys see that?? Were you watching?" He said looking between Minho and Y/n with a disgusted expression. The two just laughed while Jisung slightly coughed with a small laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Changbin said, suddenly standing at the end of their table. The four of them looked up, their smiles quickly dropping. "Not so friendly greeting then..." Changbin said, particularly eyeing the glares from Minho and Felix. "Mind if I sit here?" He continued anyways, pulling a chair from a nearby table up at the end.

"Do you guys know Jeongin?" Changbin seemed unfazed by the silence that settled over the group.

"Is that who your looking for?" Y/n asked tentively.

"Yeah! We have some unresolved problems.."

Y/n felt a sense of dread settle over her. Unresolved problems?? Is that a threat? I can't let him HURT Jeongin..

"Why are you even here? You should know better than that." Felix said, this time Y/n could definitely tell it was a threat.

"Yeah we won't tell you anything about Jeongin if you're just going to hurt him." Y/n hoped to disssuade Changbin, but after speaking she could tell how foolish that sounded. Felix silently put his hand on her leg, asking her to stop talking.

"Hurt him?? Where did you get that?! I wouldn't do that. Why do you think so lowly of me?" Changbin look genuinely confused as to why they would think that, something only Y/n seemed to pick up on.

"You're a demon." Minho spoke matter of fact.

"Is that reason enough?" Changbin said back, his voice quieter than before but still holding his confident tone.

Y/n was sure she had heard it falter, and despite the neutral expression on his face Y/n could see emotion in Changbin's eyes. She could tell he felt hurt by the statement, even if it was only a sliver of hurt. She glanced at her friends, no one else seeming to pay any attention to the subtle detail.

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