Chapter 13: I am far from empty...

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Margaret said, Wow...I say you've awakened a new bond...It is the Moon Arcana. Those who wield this Arcana always think about the past and there is a hidden depth to their personalities."

 Yasmina looked sad and deeply afraid for her life and then she said, "Hey...Margaret...I'm scared...I'm scared that my bonds and all of my Persona's are not gonna be enough to beat Kami...IF I don't win...Does that mean Igor and you chose the wrong person to fix your little problem?"

"Do not fret, Young One...It is okay to be scared...Your bonds will protect you from what comes at you...And when you win and when we see your Persona's in action, We KNOW we have the right person."


The next day, the group went to the Palace and saw the treasure which had manifested into a giant gold statue of God. Shadow Kami was standing in front of it and he was dressed like a priest but was mostly in black and red. Shadow Kami then said, "Hello, S.E.E.S. I hope you're ready to become one with our lord and savior."

"No way! We're gonna change your heart and make you confess that you branded many people who didn't deserve it!" said Ryu.

"Why, Walker-chan? Why do you spend time with this sinner?" asked Shadow Kami turning to Anna.

"He's my FRIEND! We're gonna make you stop hurting innocent people!" said Anna.

Shadow Kami was glowing a black aura and then said, "If you want to take my heart, you must challenge me for it!". Shadow Kami then released a mist and then transformed.

Flash forward a few hours after they defeated Kami... Aika said the group should have a pool party in celebration like how they welcomed her into S.E.E.S but everyone agreed to a feast in which Yasmina cooked and served.

"This is amazing, Yaz!" said Anna.

"Yeah, it's alright." said Aika.

That was when Yasmina knew something was not right. The days went by and the group started falling apart. Yasmina and Ryu went to Megumi's house and Ms. Otani said, "I'm sorry, but Megumi and Aika graduated early and moved out."

Ryu said, "How come they never told us this?" 

Yasmina pulled out her phone, called Megumi and said, "Well, they haven't been in our group text for a while."

The phone only said that Megumi's number was not available in which Ryu said, "Chicks make no sense...I can't believe they would leave without telling me. It just goes to show that people who thought we were actually friends was us." 

Then Summer ended and everyone was back in the winter uniforms, Ryu and Yasmina were walking down the hallway until Anna came by and asked Ryu to study for exams with her. Yasmina went back home feeling like tears were rolling down her cheeks in which they actually were and Kairi noticed this and said, "Hey, Big Sis. Are you crying?"

"N-No." said Yasmina wiping her tears.

"No one comes over anymore..." said Kairi.

That night, Yasmina saw that Bucky was not around and tried looking around the house for him...But there was no sign of him anywhere like if he never existed. She then thought about going to Dimension X but the App was nowhere around her phone and she started feeling sad. "Why?...Why not???" asked Yasmina.

"No one is truly your friend...As long as God is with you...You will never be alone..." said a Shadow-like voice. Yasmina then turned around to see a demonic angel with an eye on it's robe and with grey wings. Yasmina was shocked by this and asked, "A Shadow? What's it doing in the real world?"

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