Chapter 14: I'm your "Biggest Fan"

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One day, Yasmina woke up and found a man in a Westbrook uniform. Aoi walked in and said, "Hey, Yaz. I saw you making more friends and I thought I wanted to introduce you to one of the third years that we found involved in a crime scene and see if you two connect. His name is Ikuro Minamoto."

"Hey." said Ikuro.

"Hey, wanna go to the park?" asked Yasmina.

"Sure. I love the park." replied Ikuro.

As they went to the park, they saw lots of birds and animals before a woman appeared in front of Ikuro and said, "Hey, dear."

"Hey, honey. This is a classmate of mine, Yasmina Nozomu." said Ikuro.

"Are you cheating on me with this classmate of yours?" asked the woman.

"No...I would never cheat on you..." said Ikuro.

As soon as she left, the two sat down. Ikuro looked sad and then said, "To tell you the truth, that girl...She's not my first girlfriend...I date many girls...I'm mostly known by the others as "Lady Killer"...Pretty stupid name?"

"Why don't you tell her the truth?" asked Yasmina.

"Do you know what would happen if I did that!? Then I would be alone like I was already was!" answered Ikuro. "I think it would be better to embrace the lies..."

"No...It's better to learn and accept the truth...It helps you lead a better life..." said Yasmina. "Hey, Ikuro-san...I  wanna tell you something that you absolutely cannot tell anyone..."

"Sure, shoot." said Ikuro.

"I'm...the leader of S.E.E.S." said Yasmina.

"WHAT!?!" asked Ikuro.

"You CAN'T tell anyone." said Yasmina.

Then Ikuro went home and Yasmina decided to ask Anna go on a walk with her and Bucky in which she agrees to. Bucky mostly just questioning his morality and then Anna attempted to pet him but soon Bucky immediatly bit her in the arm.

"Bucky...You...You bit me..." said Anna.

"I-I'm sorry, Lady Anna...I don't know what came over me..." said Bucky sad.

The next day, the group celebrated with a pool party for defeating Kami. Then after drying off, Yasmina brought some of the food that she cooked herself and the group pretty much enjoyed. After heading home, Yasmina and Bucky went to bed and then a ding went off on her phone to which Bucky said, "Who's texting at this hour?"

Yasmina looked at her phone and a person with an unknown number said, "I want to play a game."

Yasmina then texted back, "Who are you?"

Then the number texted, "Why...I am your biggest fan..."

Yasmina was confused by this and asked, "What do you want?"

"As I said, I want to play a game. It's called, "Change the heart."." the number texted back.

"What happens if my and my group reject." asked Yasmina.

"Then, I expose your identities to the Police." the number then texted back.

"Okay...I'll discuss it with my group and we'll ask you what heart we have to change." Yasmina texted back and then went to bed.

The next day, Yasmina showed the text conversation to the group. Anna was scared by this and then said, "What...How does they know we're S.E.E.S?"

"They must be a hacker..." replied Hanzo.

"Hmm...If this person hacked Yasmina's phone..." Anna said before she gasped and continued, "Do you think...They've got into ours??"

"At this point...I'd say that's likely..." said Megumi.

"I believe that we should do this...It is the most logical outcome I can find in my database." said Aigis.

Yasmina pulled out her phone and texted the number, "Who's heart do you want us to steal?"

"Wanda Kasagano. You have until August 21 to change it." the number texted back.

"Wanda Kasagano?" asked Ryu.

"Does that mean, she and Kasagano-san, and even Kairi-chan are related?" asked Aika.

"Maybe we should ask her?" asked Anna.

Then at the Kasagano house, Yasmina went to the table to where Aoi was sitting and then asked the big question she was hoping to ask since this morning, "Who is Wanda?"

"Hm? Why do you ask?" replied Aoi.

"I was exploring around the house and saw the family tree picture and saw a picture of her." answered Yasmina.

"Wanda is my oldest sister. She hid herself from the world for 3 years ever since her dad died." said Aoi. 

Then Aoi showed her the door to Wanda's room. She said, "The door has been locked for so long, I don't know if she's still there..."

"What if...Her heart were changed?" asked Yasmina.

"That would be very helpful..." said Aoi.

Later that night, Yasmina snuck her friends into the house and told Bucky, "Quiet or you'll wake up Aunt Aoi..."

Megumi said, "Good thing it's 9:30 PM or it would be extremely late..."

Then they heard a text that said, "I know who you are, big cousin."

"It's Wanda." said Yasmina.

She then texted back, "Hey, Wanda. Please tell us what you think of living in this house."

"Why are you asking?" the phone texted back.

"We want to know how you see the house. Our work involves cognition which involves people's perception." Yasmina replied.

"This house...Mostly my room, is basically my lab...I can make hacks and mods...I can and will even die in this lab..." Wanda texted back.

"A lab?" asked Aika.

"Palace found. Beginning navigation." said the App giving Yasmina the wand and she then made the portal in which the group jumped into. They then made it to a swamp-like forest in which they saw a giant building that looks like a laboratory.

"Is that a lab as what Wanda said so?" asked Ryu.

"Yeah but...Is it a little stuffy even though we're outside?" asked Anna.

"I don't know...My fur is getting hot as well...Hey, Yaz..." said Bucky.

"Let's go inside the lab." said Yasmina.

The group went inside the lab and Aigis said, "I'm detecting no Shadows right now..."

"Wow, who turned on the AC?" asked Ryu.

"I scanned Wanda's room and it is revealed that she has an Air Conditioner." answered Aigis.

"So this means that the palace is Wanda's room while what's out of it is the house?" said Megumi.

"Man...It's actually too cold." said Anna as it is revealed that her bra is showing from the white shirt that she was wearing.

"I think it's even worse after how hot it was outside..." said Megumi trying to hide hers.

Anna felt a chill up her spine and then noticed Ryu making a noise and staring at her. She blushed at this and hid her breasts even more before screaming, "PERV!!"

Then she found out all the boys and also Yasmina staring at Megumi, Aika, and Anna. Anna then said, "What are you gawking at?"

Megumi then facepalmed herself as Bucky stared at Anna until his tail wagged and he turned around. Bucky was scared by this and said, "Someone's here."

Then the group turned around to see that there was Wanda...Or in case, her shadow standing there at the hallway of the Palace...

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