{ 8. Are You? }

12 0 0

Written: 11/15/21


^@££$#                                                             [@!


Hey! What's up?

I've got a question for you.

Sure? How can I help you?

So you know how you and £¥#@\ were
dating and then he just ends things?

has he  said something ab that?

no no no!
i'm just really confused and curious
at the same time.

why are you confused?

i'm just so confused on why you're still
so nice to him.
he doesn't deserve your kindness

i'm ok now, so there's no point in me
holding any kind of grudge
plus, yeah he wasn't the nicest after
the whole thing, but he was also part of
the breakup.

[@!, he never deserved you
you're to good for him, and you were then
i'm so sorry you had to deal with that

^@££$#, don't worry ab it! I'm ok now!

Are you? Are you really?
I may be oblivious and horrible with
emotions, but even I see how much your
eyes dim when you see him.

i'll be ok eventually.

I know you will. and even if you're not,
you'll say you're ok.
and that's what I hate.
he didn't deserve those 13 days, and
he never will.

thank you, but there's nothing that
we could have done.
neither of us knew what would happen.

I wish I had.
Your eyes don't look right when
they're dark.
He took that light, and I know he won't
ever give it back.

{236 Words}

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