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"Stop being a bookworm Lisa. No one going to date you. Trust me. " Jennie said nonchalantly to her best friend. "Yaaaa! I don't care about that no one, stop teasing me. I'm sure one day you gonna regret saying that." Lisa pause for a second, then said "Remember my word Jennie." She winked while hugging Jennie's arm and continue their walk to the library. Jennie just laugh at Lisa playful mood, it always make her happy.

After a moment of silent Lisa suddenly asked "Jen what if in 10 years I'm still a nerd and single will you marry me? Hahaha " she nervously asked her. "What? Are you crazy? That's a big no Lisa." Jennie clear her throat "Well, urm you are my nerd best friend and obviously a girl. I like boys and I love Kai. Probably by then we are married with two kids. " As she heard Jennie's answer with her dreamy eyes when she speak, Lisa couldn't help it but just smile again but this time it doesn't reached her eyes. She knew how Jennie only sees her as a friend.

" Okay we are here! Enough with pep talk. Let's get to business. I need to finished studying and do some revision before our next examning paper! If you need anything let me know okay fluffy cheek. " She said and playfully pinched Jennie's cheek like how she used to.

" Yaaa! Fluffy cheek your ass! " Jennie shout and slapping Lisa's hand away at the same time. "Stop talking or I'll kicked both of you out from here." Warn the librarian on duty. They both chuckled and continue laughing with lower voice.

After studying for two hours, Jennie closed her book and silently stare at Lisa's face. She notice how thick the glasses that Lisa's wearing and wondering if reading and studying are the only activity that Lisa did in her whole life. Doesn't she go out meeting someone else or having fun like a normal teenagers?

" Jennie stop it. Do you see problem solving techniques written on my face? You know why I asked you to come here? To revise, improved and comprehend. It will help you excel on your exam so that you can apply to the top university in... " Jennie cut Lisa's word. "Shhh! Stop blabbering! That is so annoying. I need a break Lisa can't you see my head's getting bigger than it should? Lisa you are a smartass, I wonder why are you still working so hard when it's not needed? " Jennie sigh and role her cat eyes. "This is the only thing that I know how to be Jen. I don't have friends like you. People don't want to be friends with me because I'm just a nerd and not pretty like you. Sometimes I wonder too why are you friends with me." said lisa with a sad smile. " No. No... You are a underestimating yourself. It's their lost for not seeing who you are " Jennie convinced her. Though it sounds sincere but never that Jennie know how low Lisa think of herself her.

After 30minutes of bickering they finally walk out from the library, suddenly Jennie's phone rings. She immediately pick it up without looking who was calling. "Hey baby. Sorry for not answering, I'm at the library just now with Lisa. Oh really! When is it? Tonight? Okay can I bring Lisa too? Yes baby. Okay see you tonight! Love you too babe." Jennie grinned after the phone call and said. "Hey nerdy. " Urghh not again. Lisa silently annoyed with the endearment call. " Yup Jen, what do you need?" Jennie with her grinned face still and said "Let's go out tonight? Taehyung invite me and Kai to his party. It must be fun!" Lisa chuckled, "Fun to you not me." Said Lisa silently. "Nope i don't want to go anywhere. I need to..." Jennie again cut her words " Yaa yaaa! Shut up. I've had enough with your 'study' thing. Pleaseee Lisaa.. just for tonight? Pleaseee. " Jennie pleaded with her cat eyes. Lisa melted right away. " Hmmm..Okay Jen. Just for tonight. Promise me? " Said lisa in sigh. " Seriously?! My best friend finally agreed to go out! Yesss! No one can resist Jennie Kim I guess.. " she jumped down from the stairs and shouting in excitement at the same time.

" Fluffy cheek! Stop jumping. You look like a dumb monkey who wants to pee jumping like that. " Lisa tried to sound funny instead of showing her worries incase Jennie's missteps and fell down because of her clumsiness. "I don't care! Call me whatever you want as long as you are coming with me! " Jennie flashing her gummy smile to Lisa. She froze and her heart start beating faster than usual. She can't help herself from falling for Jennie. She knew where her place is. Jennie will never reciprocate her feelings.

Later at night in a car..

Lisa, Jennie & Kai are on their way to the party. "Babe, you look beautiful tonight. I'm so proud that you are mine" Kai handsomely flashing his smile to Jennie. After hearing that Lisa turn her head and focus on the view outside. "Me too baby. You know I'm so lucky to have you, people say we look good together." The couple happily smile to each other. "Oh ya, Make sure you won't get drunk tonight since you have to drive us back home safely." Jennie kiss his cheek and intertwined together their fingers. Meanwhile Lisa at the back hurting but still smiling not showing the obvious. "Hey can you two not doing that infront of me. I suddenly feel nausea with all the sweetness act." Lisa jokingly said to them. "Duhh! You're just jealous admit it. Your nausea isn't related to us but your thick glasses are the reason why. Hahahaha." Jennie throw her big laugh while Kai just smile at them bickering. Lisa just pouting feeling defeated again with Jennie's words.

They finally arrived at the party. Lisa felt awkward since she never been to a party, nobody invites her before.

Tonight she's wearing a long sleeves shirt with her old baggy jumpsuit. With her whole attire she felt like she didn't belong here. Nobody wants to talk with her, though she try to make a conversation they just keep avoiding talking to her meanwhile Jennie and Kai already disappeared to greet their other friends.

"I knew it I shouldn't agree to come. This isn't my scene." Lisa sighing for the 9th times since arrived. As she walk out from the crowd suddenly Lisa heard people laughing. She turned around and look at the direction of their laughing sound.

'what are they laughing at and why is Jennie joining them laughing at me?' Lisa speak in her mind.

"What a nice glasses you had girl. Do you mind if we borrow it for our science class? They seems lack of magnifying glass equipment." They laugh again at her and what saddened her more that when Jennie is also laughing at the stupid joke they throw to her.

Tears almost reach her eyes. It feels like her heart been stabbed to bleed for 100 times. She thought Jennie were different but she's wrong. She thought Jennie were her friend but again she's wrong. No this can't be happening.

"Hey that's not nice. Don't say that again. She's my friend actually. Her name is Lisa." Said Jennie. though it sounds sincere Lisa already felt broken knowing how Jennie's friend enjoyed laughing together making fun of her.

Lisa walk to Jennie and drag her away from the crowd. Jennie feel shocked with the sudden act and follow Lisa walking away.

"Are you done?" Lisa harshly said. "Are you done mockering me? Were you guys satisfied enough making me as a substance of entertainment? I thought you were different Jen." Lisa's tears finally drop. "Huh? W..what?" Jennie froze at her place trying to understand, shocking with her accusing tone. "Wait Lisa, you misunderstood! I don't.. I try to intr.." Lisa cut her voice. "Stop it! I'm sick of this Jen. You always say that. It. Hurts. So much. I'm just a nerd like you always said. Nobody wants me! Nobody cares about me!" She cried again before continue saying. "I guess this is our last time seeing eachother. Let's focus with our own life Jen." Lisa crying hard. Jennie grab Lisa's arm and try to make her calm. "Lisa! No! Please let me explain. What are you thinking is all wrong!" Jennie let out her shaky voice with tears. "No Jen.. I know where my place is. I.. I give up.. I'm.." Lisa took a deep breath and said " I hope all your dreams come true and please take care of yourself fluffy cheek.." Lisa saying her last words while holding Jennie's face and slowly let go of her thumb to swipe Jennie's tears away for the last time and then she left just like that.

Jennie knees weakened to the ground. She suddenly feel empty but she couldn't figure why.

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