Chapter 12: Business Trip

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Jennie POV

"Sorry I'm late. I just got off from the phone. Lets go." Today Kai and I go to meet the wedding planner that we are going to hire on our wedding day. We were supposed to do the food tasting on the next month after the vacation. Unfortunately the appointment date has been moved earlier than it should and it can't be changed due to fully booked. Actually I can just simply change to the new wedding planners but my mother insist on this one she claims that Kim's Family will only choose the best among the best. For the sake of my mother I as a daughter just followed her order.

"Baby don't be sad. We can go to Germany for honeymoon later. I promise you it going to be the best day of your life. I'm gonna make you the happiest woman ever. Please show me your beautiful smile.. I'm craving for it." Why he always be the sweetest one. I melted right away and just smile at his request. "There you go. My beautiful baby is backk. I couldn't get enough of you Jennie Kim. Thank you for accepting me. I don't know if I can live without you baby." He kissed right away on my lips and I kiss him back. "Me too babe. I love you. Can't wait to have our little family together." I smile at the thought. My sad feeling just vanished right away thinking about my dreams will finally comes true. "The first year of our marriage we gonna have our first baby right awayy! I'm sooo excited!" Seeing his happy and excited face makes me smile but there's something else keeps bothering me, am I happy?

Months later...

Netflex and LM Tech is finally comes to the terms to execute the plan on building a new hub for cloud storage. We are currently in a process of developing the structure of the hub where all the hardware will be operates. The development will took less than 5 months to be completed as per schedule. However, due to remote location which me and Lisa as the CEO of our company need to travel along the way to the site to make some approval and also inspection. We decided to go together but before that, I need some confirmation on something before we depart. I grabbed my phone and call her right away "Yes Ms Kim, can I help you?" I cheer hearing her voice. "Stop it.. How many times you wanna get scolded by me?" she just laugh at my words. "okay Jen what do you want? We gonna see each other like literally in 1 hour, are you done packing?" this is the thing that I need to know from her.

"Erm Lis.. what should I wear? Should I wear t-shirts at the site? Can I bring high heels?" I couldn't choose which outfit to bring since this is my first time work related outdoor activities. "Jennie Kim, you can wear anything except for thin clothes, bikini and high heels. For god sake we are going to a country that only covered with ice. What are you? Elsa?" I heard her laughing hard while singing do you wanna build snow man. "Manoban I swear that I'm gonna choked you to death wen we meet later. How would I know. I've never been to a site before. That is the reason why I'm calling you." I greeted my teeth, she always teased me whenever she got the chance. "Tskkk.. the kitten gets angry againn.. Jen it's common sense you know. Alright I tell you what, just wear something thick with boots don't bring anything aside from your passport and phone. I'll buy your clothes once we touched down later. I bet you don't have any clothes that suitable to wear, so don't bother to bring any." I think she's right. "Okay fine. Thank you for your understanding. See you later bye." I just hang up without waiting for her reply.

Lisa POV

I'm at the airport now waiting for angry kitten to arrived. I love get scolded by her anyway, at least it helps me to keep my boundaries and not putting any hopes on us. I forgot to tell, currently I've been courting Noze. We have been dating for a month now and so far so good. Maybe I can ask her to be my girlfriend after I got back from our trip. We will be gone for a week, I'm gonna miss her. Maybe I should give a call before getting on the plane.

"Hello princess. I'm at the airport now. I miss you already." I express my feelings. "Hey beautiful.. I miss you too. You were all over my mind." she sounds sad. "Don't be sad. I've got something to tell you, but it needed to be wait. Please take care of yourself while I'm away." I can hear her breathing softly. "Lisa you make me falling for you already. Stop make me falling harder. You being so sweet made my heart ache." she heavily sigh. "You falling for me? really? I thought it was Jisoo kekeke~ " I teased her. I love doing that to her, I know she get easily blushed as she is really a shy person. "Shut up.. Just come back here faster. I can't handle it when you are away for too long. I might get on the plane and take you back here." Noze is sooo cute when she's mad or shy I think? "Alright Okay I'll stop now. I guess we will see each other in a week?" A week wasn't that long right? "Yup, see you soon Lisa.. take care and don't forget me. I miss you!" I just nodded my head even she isn't here to see it. "Ofcourse I wont. Miss you too Noze. See you when I see you. Byee." The moment I hang up the phone there's a kitten with fierce eyes looking at me.

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