Chapter 13: Business Trip 2

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Lisa POV

Omfg! Yesssss! I can't hold it anymore, finally I got to release all of it.. I open my eyes as soon as I heard a 'popping' sound. "What the hell in the earth were you doing???" I can't believe it she just did that! Fuckkk.... My dick became hard again as the thought of her mouth just.. no do not visualizing it Lisa. Sushhh go away. "You are welcome." Damn she look so hot right now.. as she wiped her mouth I can see still some of the leftovers on her lips. "Shut up. Don't look at me. Fuck. T.. there's something left on your lips." She just used her tounge to clean it you motherfucker. I cursed myself as Im suffering from the aroused just by her action. Though my dick still hard but not as hard as before, at least it wasn't in pain. I can handle it now. Never in my life will allow her doing that again I'll keep it in my mind for now.

"Yaaah! Say thank you at least!" She shout in lower voice. "You don't know how tur.. no I just saved your life from humiliation." What the hell, she got the gut to scold me after what she did? All of this happening because of she fucking chewed my dick during her sleep! "Thank you and don't look at me for a moment. I've warned you earlier. I can't handle another episode that we both going to regret it later." My fucking best friend just suck my dick, I don't know what to think anymore.

"Fuck you. It's not my fault. He's been so distracting. I just don't wanna be rude. He likes me and I like him too. Please respect our friendship now." Jennie teased me again as she had enjoying it too much. "Friendship your ass! Urghh whatever. Never again I will let you see him. That wasn't cool Jen. You and me are best friend remember that." She didn't take me seriously as she reply again " So what? I helped you that what friends do. It counts. If you worried about feelings involved, please dont. I just sincerely wanted to help. Just accept it Lis." She explained, I know you weren't, but me? I don't think so. Hmmm I can't think straight at the moment I closed my eyes trying to calm down myself until we touched down.

4 hours later we arrived at the airport in the early morning. We've been avoid talking to each other since our last conversation. Even without speaking everything went smoothly. We don't have to wait for our luggage since both of us didn't brings any so we just walk out to the exit door. As I saw Jennie walk into other directions I quickly grabbed her wrist. "Where are you going? Don't just walked away like that without telling. We are not in Korea." My protectiveness takes over as I feel worried of seeing her lost from my sight. "Uhm sorry..I need to go to the toilet to pee. You wanna come?" She just apologised without fighting back and that was weird. "Ohh right. let's go I'll go with you."

Jennie POV

"Where are you going? Don't just walked away like that without telling. We are not in Korea." She spoke firmly while frowning. I squirm at the thought Lisa being dominant, fuck it I really need to go. ""Uhm sorry..I need to go to the toilet to pee. You wanna come?" her face looked calmer after my explanation. "Ohh right. let's go I'll go with you." I think she loves it when Jennie Kim being submissive. Next time if I do something wrong I'll just apologise, case closed. I can smell it right in the nose, you know what I mean. My panties literally soaked after that unexpected hot session.. The throbbing also never stopped as my nose can still smell her juice, I suffered that long 4 hours horrendously holding from touching my pussy. So lets clean up!

Lisa still hold my wrist as we walked to the toilet. As soon as I got inside I just shut the door immediately and take care of my business.. Na'ahh nope. Not doing that. I just take out the panties and do some cleaning down there and my face too. After done some cleaning I slowly open the door to see if she's still outside. I move quickly to the corner and just throw away my panties at the dustbin unfortunately Lisa had just caught me right in the moment. Oppsyyy.. "What was that?" She approached and looked. "Ohh" I can see how she grabbed her crotch and slightly correct the position of her penis. She knows... "Let's go. You need a new one."

We entered every boutique at the airport now. She bought every clothes that will fit my size way too much than she should not to mention boxes of lingerie too . "Lisa that's enough. Do you want me to build a house with all these?" I point my fingers on the paper bags that she and me been holding. "That is too many. I've got everything that I need now. Stop obsessing over my clothes." She frowned realising that she had overdone it. "I uhh.. Sorry I couldn't think straight. You can just give out the extra clothes to anyone. I don't mind." Yeahh whatever. I don't like sharing.

"So where are we gonna stay for the whole week?" She smirked at my question. I knew it just by looking at her face there must be something on her mind. "You are not going to believe it what I just did." I knew it! "Screw you Lisa. Just make sure it won't be in a fucking tent."

At the moment Lisa is on the phone talking to someone. I felt nervous thinking if we are about to live in a tent like an adventurous survival living. Oh my goddd. "Jen come on they are here." They? who? I don't see anybody here aside for a vehicle look like a bus or trailer? "Are we going to ride that bus?" She turned around. "Jen that is an RV not bus. We are going to live in the RV for the whole stay." my jaw just dropped feeling shocked. "Are you kidding me! Why the hell were you renting that thing? where are we gonna shower and pee?" Lisa laugh heartily saw me panicking. "Please calm down Jen.. We have everything inside. Come take a look if you don't trust me."

As soon as I step in my jaw dropped again for the second time

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As soon as I step in my jaw dropped again for the second time. This feels like a home.. "Woww.. It is amazing. You still didn't answer my question. Why were you renting an RV instead of staying at hotel?" Lisa smiling after seeing my 'I can't believe it' face. "Jen our site location is far from the hotel. I don't want us wasting our time on travelling. So to make it easier let's just stay in an RV. We gonna buy some groceries later so that we can cooked and survived for another 7 days." There's another one question left on my mind. "Who's going to drive?" she immediately answer. "You." I smacked her head hardly. That wasn't funny at all. "Auchh! hey take it easy kitten. Don't worry I've sorted all out. I paid someone to drive us there while we resting and before you smack me again for your information he will only drive us there then comeback again if we wanted to go anywhere and that's it."

Lisa is a good planner. I feel satisfied with her explanation. "That sounds exciting. Okay then lets go for groceries! But can we stop for lunch first? I'm starving." Lisa agreed. "Anything for you kitten. Go make yourself comfortable while I go talk to the driver."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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