Thursday, May 8th

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Today, I went outside to get fresh air.


I blushed.

It was awesome that people know my name.

She walked up to me.

"Hi..hi. Ca...can I have your auto.... autograph."

"Sure. What is your name?"

"Isabella Lopez." She said.

I could tell she was nervous.

I sighed her notebook.

"Thank... Thanks"

I smiled.

I know what it is like to feel like her.

I remember when I had a crush on Brandon.

I felt just like that.

"Hey! Nikki" My friends startled me.

Brandon kissed me.

OMG! I was sooo embarrassed.

Everyone that I did not know was watching us.


We all went inside to act.

*after the episode*

We finished the season finale episode.

It was great!

My concert is in 11 days!

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