Tuesday, May 13th

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We finished the movie I was talking about!!

It is 1 hour and 45 minutes long!

It is now in theaters.

But........ it is rated PG-13.

(Me and Brandon kissed toooo much in the movie.)


It is a romantic movie.

Going to greet all my fans!


Me and my friends had  so many fans.

We had like 257 fans!!!


"Oh Nikki I love you"

"Oh hey! Can I have ALL your autographs?"

"Hey!! That is Zoey! I love her!"

"Chloe! Can I have an autograph?"

"Are you Marcus? You are awesome, man!"

"Marcus dude, you are a pro!"

"Guys! Can I take a picture of you?"

There were like a million more comments.

I could NOT keep track of them all.

So many people!

It is weird that they all know you but you don't know them.


Have to get ready for tomorrow. My mom, dad, and Brianna.

5 days left!

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