Sunday, May 11th

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Today, MACKENZIE showed up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Non of your beeswax!" She stuck her noise in the air.

Then she knocked on Brandon's door.

Brandon was the one who answered.

"Nikki?" He thought I knocked on his door.

"Nope" Mackenzie smiled.

"Hi." He sounded so board.

"Here is a gift" She handed him a watch.

"Um..... thanks?"

"Your welcome, love! Good luck on your concert." She blew him a kiss.

He turned to me.


"Yea.... Mackenzie keeps trying to get you away from me but she never can."

He laughed.

"That is true!"

We laughed and went down to the stage.

We have to practice now for the concert IN 7 DAYS!!!!!!

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