Friday, May 16th

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We HAD to do the concert today.

We could not wait any longer.

All of us called our parents and they already had free tickets.

Go to go!

I have to get ready.

*A few hours later*

It is already 6:00.

We have to start the concert NOW.

*After the concert*

It was perfect!

I was the lead singer because, of course, I made the song.

When we started, everyone started screaming like CRAZY!

They loved us.

Many of them were taking pictures and videos.

I think that they will post it on youtube.

After we finished, we went to the backstage and put everything back.

When we got out, SOO many people asked for autographs.

They even wanted to shake our hands and take a selfie.

I think I am in 40 pictures.

Good think there was no flash.

That would have been bad.

Now, I am in my room with Zoey and Chloe writing all of this.

Be right back.


We took a selfie!

Oh yea, I almost forgot!

We are now world-wide famous.

Almost everyone knows us.

I love my life!

I still remember when Mackenzie told me the SHE was born a superstar.


I wonder how she feels NOW!

I am such a dork.


Tales from a NOT-SO Glam TV StarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang