[ Prologue ]

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Naruto Uzumaki can admit he wasn't normal

He, at the tender age of five, knew something is unusual about him. Naruto didn't know what it is, except he understood that he carried something big-something far more powerful than anyone can anticipate from a young boy such as he.

It was by the time he held his seventh birthday alone in his apartment that he finally uncover the explanation of his suspicions.

He found himself waking up in a sewer system, his ankles submerged in dingy water. In front of him stood a large cage and Naruto rubbed his eyes, looking around with curiosity swirling in his blue eyes.


Naruto snapped his head to the cage, feeling a sense of fear of the demonic voice that certainly held malice and contempt towards him.

He shivered, staring at the entrance as a huge orange fox left the shadows of its prison, its deep red eyes scrutinizing him mockingly.

Naruto felt anxious, awfully frightened. Who is this? Why is he here?

As if reading his thoughts, the fox growled. "I am the Kyuubi and you came here because you accidentally went into your mindscape in your sleep,"

Hearing the name, Naruto's eyes widened. "Y-You're the Kyuubi, the one who attacked the village seven years ago?..." he muttered.

"Hmph, rather knowledgeable for a brat like you," the Kyuubi huffed, sticking his nose up.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Well, duh, it's pretty obvious since everyone seems to talk about it so much," he countered, and suddenly slapped a hand over his mouth, realizing that he just talked back to a powerful being that could kill him with a simple flick of his finger.

The Kyuubi looked surprised but a grin soon split across his face, amused. "Well, well, it appears that you have the courage for you to speak like that to me," he said.

"Uh, I didn't mean to-"

"Save the apology. You have gained my respect,"

Naruto furrowed his brows, lowering his hand as he stared at the fox, the one who he heard destroyed the village years ago.

From what he learned, the Kyuubi was something to be feared, but here he is, standing in the presence of the same creature talking to him so casually. It was rather strange, and dare he says it, comforting that Naruto isn't being pummeled by someone so strong.

Well, this is a birthday he might never forget.

"How can I gain your respect? I don't think talking back to a giant fox that destroyed a village isn't anything to earn respect for,"

To his surprise, he laughed, loudly as it echoed across the area. "Ah, when you have been feared all your life, it gets boring. To me, this is refreshing," he explained, smirking.

Naruto's shoulders loosened of its tensed hold, his anxiety leaving him when the indication that the Kyuubi is not going to hurt him made a relieved sigh escape from his lips.

"Oh, that must have sucked," he said.


Then silence immersed itself between the two. Naruto had no idea what to say next since this is the first time he actually had a proper conversation with a person that wasn't cursing at him.

Though, he did not expect to converse with the Kyuubi of all people. His life can be weird sometimes.

A sudden thought occurred to him and Naruto flickered his gaze to the giant fox, who is rotating the sewage water with his finger.

"Hey," he spoke, catching the attention of the Kyuubi. "I don't think I got your name,"

For a brief moment, he saw a flash of surprise crossing his eyes before it quickly vanished, replaced with a casual look. "Kurama," he informed.

"Kurama," Naruto tried the name on his tongue until he smiled and said. "Kurama, that's a nice name,"

Kurama grunted yet a small smile formed on his lips. "Thanks... kit,"

Naruto pouted. "I'm not kit. I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

Kurama rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm still going to call you kit,"

He grumbled, but despite the annoyance, Naruto felt warm. He'd never gotten a nickname before, excluding the horrible names he was called by the villagers.

It was at that time that Naruto truly had a real friend and to him, this is the best gift he ever received in his life.

A Home In A Person // NarutoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora