on the borders.

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Sevint: A spear-like weapon.

   Torches lit up the gloom of night as people crowded the square with shuffling feet and eyes searching for hints as to what was to be discussed. The crick-cricks of grasshoppers stood out the most, the sound rising above hushed voices. Raeve, a young border guard, fell in place beside Novius, who stood in the front of the people. Red hair spilled out of its long braid in fiery wisps, and she wielded a sevint closely at her side. Novius cleared his throat, facing the expectant eyes as he heaved an exaggerated sigh.

"I've received a very important message from one of our border guards." His front was an image of seriousness, yet his gruff voice was edged with mockery. Raeve stiffened at the tone, the bridge of her nose pinching. "I've been told we must leave our village, as danger is on the horizon." the elders' frame leaned forward as he burst into a fit of coughs. Raeve used this opportunity to step forward, and anticipatory eyes shifted towards her.

"Butch is dead," Her clear voice rang and drowned out the grasshopper's buzz. Butch, a rowdy border guard who patrolled on the very front of the border with Raeve. Gasps broke out across the crowd of people, yet one could be heard that was especially sorrowful. With a firm nod, she continued.

"I've seen what killed him! I urge that you all take heed when I say it's not safe here."

"Half-wit," Novius cursed, once he'd recovered and pulled his shoulders back. "What do you propose killed him, huh?" They glowered at each other, likely to resume a quarrel that started before this meeting.

"I've told you already, it was more than a bear. You continue to show how much of an unreasonable prick you are." Raeve spat. The villagers, all at once, inclined their heads in an unexpected, eerie unison in the same direction. What stared back at them from the outskirts took several dull moments to process. A blink from what crouched in the darkness, its glowing eyes blazing bright enough to reveal a massive frame in between the trees... The village's deafening outcries rung out, those who took to flee racing past those frozen to the spot.

The beast's massive jaws slacked open, revealing a set of sharp, curved teeth. Like a fisherman's hook, it lay in wait for its prey to bite. Its large, beady eyes flickered around the village as a mother frantically gathered her children, whose mouths were agape in mute screeches of terror. It soon looked to catch on that these small, two-legged beings would not dare stray near its jaws, and they rose to its giant paws. Raeve ordered the border guards to stand their ground as she handled the panicked villagers.

Despite her calls, a man turned and ran farther into the village, and she clenched her jaw, fighting to move on. Pushing Norman and Lukas towards the forests' dark cover, they stumbled forward, and Norman gasped in surprise as he was suddenly lifted by his older brother. He hung over Nox's shoulder, glimpsing Artis hauling his grandfather to the forest. A renewed twinge of fear ran through him as he saw his father's helpless expression. He knew the border guards would not be of much help, only trained to defend the village against cross boars, to still inflamed pegasi, and ward off trolls. He shut his eyes as Nox dove into a thicket and winced as the pointed sides of sticks scored his skin.

"Stay." Nox huffed, leaving as quickly as he set him down. As his figure pushed back through the thicket, Norman could hear his father's anguished cry. He sat up immediately, ignoring the pricks of thorns in his palms as he crawled to an opening. Norman bit his lip and peered outside of the undergrowth. His arms beneath him shook, and he held a choked sob at the sight. Nox and Artis were kneeling at the Brinare's massive paw, as they desperately pulled and scratched at its claws. The monster grunted, lifting his paw to uncover Orhils' body. He was crushed by the weight, his limbs bent in awkward angles. His brother and father reached out to him at once, drawing the body to where Norman lay.

They set him on a pile of dried leaves, and Norman hesitantly shuffled over to see. His eyes were dull, like the sunken ships in his tales. His grandfather was still, lifeless. His family blinked rapidly, trying to see their surroundings over tears welling up in their eyes. Orhil must be mourning along with them now, pained to see their grief.

He'd retired into his family's home years ago, the ideal life for many in this village. The bushes parted with a rustle as the village gathered in a forest clearing, their trembling bodies holding onto each other. Novius sat in the middle, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps. The village had carried him along to safety, their loyalty to the elders being, as they say, "unconditional." Parts of the forest stirred at the people's presence, and the animals, consisting of winged squirrels and long-eared deer lifted their maws and silently watched the beast roam the settlements' shops.

Its breath billowed in large puffs, and Raeve watched in a crouch that at how it slightly lifted its paw at everything it snuffed, it must attack in rapid blows. She slumped down, a little reassured with everyone's distance from the monster, for now. Artis wore a vacant look as he gestured to Norman, who'd nodded in understanding. Norman pressed his hand over his grandfather's face, closing his dark eyes fully. They were lost in more ways than one.

AN: where will they go? (; 'Д') add this story to your reading list to never miss an update!

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