a scale for show.

10 3 0

 The monster revealed itself, shooting out of the leaves with a dizzying speed. Purple scales glistening beneath the glow of the moon, it flashed two sharp fangs dripping with blue liquid, venom, that matched its glare. Whipping towards them, it would appear to be almost beautiful, had it not slithered close with the most enrapt instinct to bring an end to all who cowered. It leered above them, a reaper-esque pouring out of every shining scale while the crouched people below screamed terrified shrieks. Sora merrily clapped her pint-sized hands, almost slipping through the holes of the monstera leaflets in her amusement.

Two encounters with spine-chilling monsters so far had failed to prepare them for this, yet even so, Raeve lunged forward with her sevint clenched closely at her side. This display of selfless bravery brought the rest of the hesitant border guards to their feet. They followed as she brought her weapon down to the serpent's skin. The tip of the spear slid off of its plates with a clink, and the beast's tongue curled menacingly at the attempt. Ira took a step back, his eyes searching as he desperately devised a plan in his head.

He signaled towards a blonde-haired border guard, turning his head to whisper to them. They nodded in understanding, their footsteps falling silent as they crept up to the writhing serpent. The ophidian was growing more vexed, being interrupted countless times by the border guards' futile stabs. The villagers took this distraction as a sign to run. Crawling away from reach of the serpent, they took off into a bolt once they'd had enough space in a separating growth to stand.

The blonde-haired guard carefully positioned her sevint, wedging it into one of the snakes' plates. With a quickness fueled mostly by fear she lifted the rod of her weapon, and the scale tore off. The snake threw its head back, screeching. She sprung backward, almost tripped by its massive tail. Ira ran to the spot the snake had been injured and repeated what Arya had done.

Their plan was unfolding, and there was a small kindling of hope that it would work.

The village was keen enough to know to stick together and not run off in all directions in their panic, though unfortunately, that translated into sitting, shivering, next to a faraway riverbank. Stones were slick with the rushing water that flowed past. It wasn't long before the night was bathed in darkness, the trees covering the remaining light above. They'd moved farther from the bank, the spray wetting their clothes. Aside from a few murmurs of, 'I hope they're okay,' for the border guards, it was a silent vigil.

"Arya!" Ira called, and the blonde-haired guard turned in response.

"Aye!" Arya threw herself in front of the monster, shouting obscenities at it while waving her hands up above her head. Its jaws stretched uncomfortably wide as it aimed for Arya. She nearly screamed as its body launched towards her, but Raeve's quick steps echoed as she reached them and sliced the inside of its mouth. At the same time, Ira ripped another scale off, and the snake's eyes were fogged with both shock and rage. Ira pointed the tip of his sevint, pressing it at the now unguarded skin.

He placed a palm at the end of his spear, pressing down. The serpent hissed as its skin tore, stretching to clamp its jaws around the spear. It yanked it free from its body, but blood slopped from the deep wound. It was time to run. The border guards dipped into the trees, none looking back.

Dove's ears swiveled about as she listened attentively. She and the other Pegasi grazing near broke out into excited whinnies as they counted the sound of separate footsteps. There were as many guards returning as before. Her hooves pounded the ground, leading them to where they stood. The guards burst through the spindly bushes and heads raised, the air erupting with cheers.

Ira broke the moment of relief, his tone critical. "We need to keep moving."

Pollen stuck to their damp skin as they were led through a patch of blooming flowers with long stems that reached their waistlines. They quickly brushed it away in hopes of not attracting any powder-collecting insects. Norman and Lukas were led to the near front of the lot, grumbling as Novius ranted endlessly about how monsters never bid to step foot in the village in his day. They drearily nodded along to his dreadful rambling. Aside from a few titters from what Novius was saying, there was a growing resentment within the people.

Poised to set fault on each other, tension glared about the crowd, fed by weariness and fear. Odd looks tracked the family who stayed on the border, walking along the side. Almera cut those off who'd been ready to outburst.

"It's no one's fault we suddenly fell in the throes of escaping a beast, so we are to never blame each other!" She says, an unmistakable authority surrounding her. Their shadowy silhouettes walked on, and Dove led them, avoiding where the serpent had emerged before.

"Rises the moon," Arya breathed, realizing it had ascended to its full peak. She opened her hand, where lay a purple scale. Ira caught the glow from the corner of his eye, and they both stared at the novelty in all its brilliance. They'd slain a beast, though there was still a disturbance in brooding on how long till their end would arrive.

(╥﹏╥) by far my fav chapter - share this story with others!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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