Chpt. 9

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It wasn't long before Childe was on you trying to help you clean the blood you were covered in but the handkerchief was already soaked from when he used it before.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just, this isn't what I expected at all,"

There was a small silence and he took a deep breath, "I understand, but thats just the nature of this line of work,"

Your only answer was a sigh. You just wanted to get out of there.

Treasure hoarders was a term the people of Liyue used to describe just about anybody who didn't work, trade, or provide any service for the city. It's true some of them were just people out of work, or iffy wanders who lived on their own, but the group you had been...working with, wasn't innocent by a long run.

You and Childe were there because they had killed an important client of the Fatui despite the fact that they had committed numerous crimes that were definitely worse. The small but malicious group of 5 deserved what happened to them...You just didn't want to have to be the one to do it.

Being so close to death and the spill of so much blood was chilling.

"I'll...clean this up," Childe was talking softly as if not to scare you but you could hear how completely unphased he was by everything, "I don't have anything else planned for today so you're free to go,"

You nodded and began on your way but before you could get to far he spoke again, "y'know...You did really good today. I saw those rocks!" You smiled at him, "It reminds me of Lady Ningguang,"

You giggled, a little embarrassed, "oh yeah..." large amounts of geo energy were too much to handle, but getting fist sized rocks flung at your opponents every now and then proved useful.

He smiled at you kindly, "But about that," he lifted his shirt a little to reveal an already purple and blue bruise about the size of your palm forming.


"Maybe we can work on accuracy next,"

... ... ... ... ... ...

You sighed as you walked into the harbor.

Childe knew just the way to change the subject and lighten the mood. You were grateful for that, but you couldn't help but wonder if he simply wanted to try to save some face.

In your time working with the Childe you forgot just how the Fatui really were. You wondered in how many instances the Fatui had killed people over misunderstandings or small mistakes.

Then you wondered how many other vision holders had been hooked in to joining them.

You knew Childe wasn't simply "helping" you out of the kindness of his heart, but you realized this might just be some ploy to add to their army. Visions were dangerous things. If they could manage to create an army of people with visison, they could overpower any of the other six nations.

Was something happening in the Tsarista's army so they suddenly needed this extra help? Was something happening between Archons?

"Hellllo," an unfamiliar enthusiastic voice cut through your thoughts, "Did you need help with anything?"

You looked around to find you had walked all the way to your destinatio, "Oh! Uh...," the woman who had spoken to you was short and wore a rather peculiar all black outfit,"Yes, my boss sent me to speak to someone named Hu Tao. She works here, right?,"

"Why you're looking at her!" She put her hand on her hip and a strange red butterfly behind her caught your eye, "How can I be of service to you,"

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