Chapter Four: The Fight

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The Fight:

Athos runs toward the still form of Aramis lying on the ground but is attacked by a raider wielding a sword. The experienced Musketeer draws his sword with lightning speed, stopping the swing of the blade with a clash of steel. Sunlight glistens off the blades as the men spar, swords swinging, each trying to get the upper hand.

Athos easily steps back to avoid a slash at his left arm. He ducks as a swing is aimed at his neck, turning a half-circle as the man tries maneuvering around behind the Musketeer. Athos lunges forward on his right foot with such speed he has the opponent falling back. The brilliant swordsman brings his rapier around and up; and with a swift, slanted downward motion, Athos forces his opponent's arm downward while slicing a deep cut in the man's shoulder.

The raider stumbles back slightly at the injury, giving Athos an advantage. With a swing left and a slash right, the Musketeer easily disarms the sword from his opponents hand in one circular motion, sending the sword flying. Athos lunges forward sending his rapier into the raider's chest, piercing the heart.

From behind, Athos hears the approach of more raider swordsmen, and turns to face them. As he's turning, one of the swordsmen thrusts his rapier stabbing Athos's left shoulder in the back, just under the shoulder blade. The Musketeer bobbles slightly, but then quickly pivots on his heel to position both swordsmen in front of him. He blocks a thrust from one opponent, pivoting again on his right foot to face the second. Using his left foot he gives a swift kick to the second opponent's chest, knocking the man off his feet, onto his back.

Like a striking cat, Athos moves in for the kill, thrusting his sword into the man's chest, killing him. He pulls his sword from the man's chest in time to block a glancing strike to the shoulder from the first raider. The Musketeer turns to his right, expertly swinging around to position himself behind the man-where he thrusts his sword into the man's back. The man falls, Athos kicks him forward using the momentum to pull his sword from the man's body.

Finding his harquebus lying nearby, Athos reloads the weapon quickly, firing at a man approaching just feet away. Falling dead, the raider drops his pistol, which Athos picks up to fire at a raider trying to flank behind him. The few remaining raiders run back into the trees, giving Athos a moment to go check on Aramis.

The Musketeer falls to his knees still a few feet from the bloody form of Aramis, suddenly overcome with nausea. He loses the contents of his stomach; his pounding headache returns, throbbing with every beat of his heart. "Stand up, damn you," Athos growls to himself. He looks over at Aramis-his heart sinks with dread.

Athos pushes himself to his feet with a hiss of pain, "God please, be alive, Aramis." He drops heavily to his knees beside his friend, stifling a cry of despair. He gently takes the fallen Musketeer by the shoulders, pulling to turn him onto his back. "God, no," Athos gasps at the sight of his friend's bloody face.

The left side of Aramis's face was smeared with streams of blood pouring from the head wound. Athos tried to find the entry point of the ball but there was too much blood and dirt to discern. "No. . . Aramis, don't do this!" Athos cried, frantically scanning his eyes over his friend's face and head.

With shaking fingers, he reaches to Aramis's neck checking for a pulse, fearing what he would-or would not-find. With his fingers on the sharpshooter's neck, Athos closes his eyes, waiting. . .

He feels nothing. "God, no. . ."

He pushes down harder on his friend's throat and waits. . .

A beat. . . another beat. . .

"Aramis?" The Musketeer's heart skipped-he held his breath, hoping against hope. Once again, he pressed his fingers on the bloodied throat and waited, not daring to even breathe. He releases his breath, nearly collapsing in relief, as he feels the pulse softly beating again. . . and again. "Aramis?" he cried, placing his head atop his friend's forehead. "Oh, thank God!"

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