-not so brave- (gingerbrave angst)

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(I swear the pictures are gonna get better) (also nobody requested this this is a free sample.)

"ginger..? Are you in there?"

Strawberry cookie was at his door. Pounding on it.

"cmon.. Ginger..? I know what happened. Im not angry."

He sat there. Not moving. He was leaning beside his bed, crying so hard that his face was a little soggy.

"I don't want to come out.. Please go away strawberry.." He mumbled, before turning away from the door.

He heard the cookie whisper to another cookie. Almond.

Now, you may be asking, what happened? Why is gingerbrave so.... Sad? Well..

Wizard was dead. (vine boom /j)

And guess who killed him?

Gingerbrave did.

Wizard cookie was acting more... Annoyed than usual that morning.
It was probably because they had lost more battles the day before than they ever had.
Ginger was.. A little sad about it too. And seeing his friend in this condition worsened that.
So, he offered to take wizard for a little walk through the woods. To lighten his mood.

They walked for a while. And wizards mood seemed to lighten. But, gingerbrave had spotted something.
Something shiny.

"Yknow ginger, this has been a really good walk, I really appreciate i- what are you doing..?"

ginger had bent down to pick the shiny thing up, and when he did, he realized what it was.

A jam stained sword.


although, ginger couldn't hear him, as a loud ringing in his ears had started, along with his vision blurring and going dark.

The last thing brave saw was himself turning towards wizard, sword in hand.

Then he blacked out.

When he woke up, he was covered in jam. And..

Wizards mangled body was in front of him.

He quickly dropped the sword.

What had he done...?? He just.. Killed his best friend..!!

His breathing got quicker.

He looked at wizards body one more time, before running back towards the kingdom.

When he got to the kingdom, he ran straight to almonds office.
Not a very good idea, as the cookie was covered in jam.

Almond gasped and asked what happened.
And when brave told what had happened, almond did not take it lightly.

"so you're telling me you killed him?! Without knowing?"

"y-yes!! I swear almond, its like that sword took over my body!!"

"kid.. As much as I want to believe you..I just can't. you're.. You're coming with me."
The elder cookie took out a pair of handcuffs.
Ginger, naturally, started running. Passing multiple cookies, including strawberry, who saw him covered in jam and wondered what was going on? Was he hurt? She stopped almond to ask what happened and he explained it to her.

Gingerbrave had reached his house by now, ran inside, not bothering to close the door, ran inside his room, locked it, and closed all the windows, where he then slumped down and started to cry.

And now you're all caught up.

Almond pounded on the door, "come out, brave! Or were kicking this door down!"
He had to get out. Fast.

He ran over to the window, opening it quietly, and then jumping out of it.

"I heard the window! He's escaping!" He heard the old detective say.

He started running. As fast as he could.

Past the gates, into the forest...
Past wizards body...
And then he.. Stopped. Turning around.
...there it was. The damned sword.
It.. Was seeming to call to him.
He walked closer, although he didnt want to.
He heard almonds footsteps, getting closer.
He bent down...

And he picked the sword up.


Oh no edgy brave
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Might make part two if requested enough. Idk.

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