Kicked Out

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Jake's POV

I'm pacing around my room thinking about a decision that can change my life. The problem is, I don't know if it would be for the better or for the worst.

I finally make my decision and go downstairs to find my parents sitting in the living room. Now is my chance to tell them. I'm so scared. What are they going to think about me? What will they do to me? Will they except me for who I really am? Or will they throw me to the streets like some parents do?

I walk up to them and stand in front of the couch where they are sitting. They both look up at me with questioning looks. "Hey Jake. Do you need somethin hun?" My mom asked. My dad just continued to sit there looking at me. I have to fight my urge to just tell them nevermind and run back to my room, but I'm 18 now. I have to tell them at some point. I let out a big sigh and just say it. "Mom, dad. I-I'm g-gay." My mom looks at me with a proud smile, but my dad gets up and grabs me by the hair. "O-ow, d-dad let m-me go!" I yell as I start crying. He drags me out of the house and throws me on the ground. I fall into the grass and turn around so that I'm laying on my back facing my dad. I see my mom in the doorway crying and looking shocked. I give her a sad smile and look back up at my dad. "You are such a disappointed! You are NOT MY SON! YOU ARE NO LONGER WELCOME HERE! Get out of my site." My dad said. I look at my mom one last time before I stumbled to my feet and run. I don't know where I'm running to, but all I know is that I can never go back to that house.

Falling apart/A Solbake story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora