On my own

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Jake's POV

I ran for what felt like hours crying the whole time. I came to an abandoned school house and decided to go in. It was dark and I was scared. I was so tired so I laid down on the floor and fell asleep.

Sam's POV

Colby and I were exploring an abandoned school house for a video. We were walking around when we heard something. "Colby wait." I whispered. "What?" He whispered back. "Did you hear that?" I asked. We both could still hear the noise. We looked in the direction the noise was coming from and saw something. It looked like a person. We then heard crying, but a few minutes later the crying stopped. "Colby that's a person. What do we do?" Colby whispered freaking out. I wanted to get a closer look so I started walking over. "Sam, what are you doing." Colby whisper yelled to me, but I just ignored him. The person might need help. I'm about 2 feet away from them and I see that it's a boy. He looked to be around our age. I take one step closer and hear Colby run up behind me scaring me which made me gasp. "Colby!" I yelled forgetting that we are trying not to wake the boy up, but that didn't happen. We both turn around when we hear someone gasp and some shuffling. The boy was curled up in a ball and started to cry. "P-please d-don't hurt m-me. I-I'll l-leave." He said. We both could tell that he was scared. "Hey, hey. It's ok bud. We're not gonna hurt you. We wanna help." I said. I crouch down in front of him and put my arms out for a hug. I didn't think he would come anywhere near me, but as soon as I put my arms out he crawled right over and curled up in my arms. "There. See? We won't hurt you. Can you tell me your name?" I asked. He stayed quiet. "Would it help if we told you our names first?" I asked. He looked up at me and nodded. "Ok, well. I'm Sam and this is Colby. We are YouTubers and we came here to film a video." I said. He looked up at Colby and I and smiles. "I wish I had a good life like that. Also m-my name is J-Jake." He said. "How old are you Jake? I'm just wondering cuz Sam and I are both 20." Colby asked. "O-oh I'm 18." He said. "Jake, can you tell us why you are here?" I asked. "I-I got umm.. m-my p-parents they-they k-kicked me out cuz I-I'm g-gay." He said. He was full on crying when he finished what he was saying. Colby came over and we both hugged him. Colby and I looked at each other with smiles on our faces. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. "Jake? Would you like to come home with us?" I asked. He looked up at me surprised. "Really?!" He asked looking at me and then at Colby. Colby and I nod and Jake hugs us tighter. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!" Jake said. I'm so happy we found him.

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