Chapter 2: An unlikely friendship

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A few months later
Adona pov
"Adona Adona" why did I keep her around I feel like am getting a headache.

I keep walking pretending like am not the one there talking about.

But I know all my attempts are futile as she comes running and hugs my hand like a cat seeking attention.

It's been like this for a few months now but I can't bring myself to tell her to live me alone.

Am scared to say this but she has grown on me.

I look down to see cherry smiling her famous sunshine smile as people call it.

She continues babbling about her childhood short note she was a very troublesome child.

We walked to class together like we do everyday she can talk to so many people but why does she only talk to me?.

She follows me like a puppy to it's owner.

I feel like am restricting her freedom but when i try to push her to other people she gives me the puppy look saying " why do you want to abandon me" and then I give up.

Today we are having revisions for exam that is coming up.

And we were told that when we start grade 11 we have to move into the school boarding houses.

They say it's to prepare us for university to get used to living without our parents.

well I have been living alone so I guess it would be okay.

But then I heard that we will have roommates because if each had their own room the school won't be able to accommodate all of us.

I knew it will be like that but a girl can dream right.

And then I hear a squeal I turn to see cherry she is already planning what colour we would paint our room.

Can't she have a wish that doesn't concern me being with her.

It is now school break I go to the garden to eat because I know if I stay in the cafeteria I would inconvenience all of them.

And cherry Is right behind me following me but now I try to pretend she isn't there but am failing miserably.

Unknown pov
I always see cherry with that girl who seems to care less whether she is around her.

Why would she follow that girl everywhere I don't understand.

I think she is a bully because who would ignore a person who just wants to be your friend.

I have always wanted to be cherry's friend but I have noticed although she talks to people she has not made friends with any of them.

She follows that girl yes I have named her that girl because I don't even know her name that's how unsociable she is.

Anyway I hope to be paired with cherry during second year of high school but till then let me go and bully some bullies.

Cherry pov
Oh I hope to be paired with Adona maybe I can know more about her.

Even though she doesn't show it I know she is not a bad person or else I would have been pushed to side or been insulted.

Especially with my annoying presence always bugging her I know I can be irritating but she still tolerates me and that speaks volumes of how patient she is.

Exam is coming soon and I have not always been a good student oh am gonna fail I start weeping even before the exams start.

Adona notices my delimma and starts writing something on paper am curious but I wait till she finishes.

Soon enough she finishes and hands me the paper or should I say booklet.

And I see on top likely examination questions awww she cares yeah.

I hug her tightly and receive a pat on the head hehehe.

I get home sit on my bed and started reading it's really easy to get distracted.

Ughh couldn't concentrate so I decided to cook it helps me think.

Lets see what I can make oh there is flour and chocolate chips cookies it is then.

When am done i layed it on a stray and put it on the table to cool down.

You know how when you finish cooking it is then people who didn't even know you were cooking came and started devouring your hard work.

Yah that's what happened to me my mom ,dad and brother came out of nowhere and started eating what I made can you believe it.

Although my brother is supposed to be in boarding but my parents pulled some strings and our principal was happy to comply.

Even if he doesn't say it I know he is afraid of my brother he can be scary looking at times.

I took some before they finished it all and wrapped it up I want to give it to snow tomorrow.

I went back to my room sat on the bed and started reading again but it was a lot easier now.

I didn't even know when i fell asleep until somebody woke me telling me to get ready for school.

At least today was not exam day or I'll be finished time sure flies when you don't want a certain day to get here.

It has been a good few months snow is slowly warming up to me.

She has stopped trying to get me to hang out with someone other than her.

I do want to make more friends but I smell fakeness(yah I made a word) deceit and lies coming out of the people who talk to me.

It's like they just want to be friends with me for either my money my looks or for a stupid bet made with friends to find out who can make me seperate from snow.

It's so annoying but thankfully when am with snow they don't come and bother me.

She's like my protective shield which  shields me from harmful and deceitful people.

School has been great so far I like the subjects they teach but am more inclined to the art subjects.

We will be asked to pick which subjects we would be studying when we reach grade 11.

I plan to trick snow into picking the subjects am doing or I will pick the subjects she is doing either way I plan to spend most of my time trying to get a smile on her face and that's a bet I can make.

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