Chapter 3: kidnapping attempt

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Adona pov
Exam is starting in less than an hour and cherry is freaking out apparently she woke up late and forgot to review her books.

I am not good at talking so I just pat her head hoping to calm her down.

And she did she said " you're right it just an exam I can do this don't freak out".

She started her pep talk which she is surprisingly good at.

I feel like taking a nap so I do but it didn't take long before cherry woke me up signalling start of exam.

The first paper is english it was easy  and cherry thought so too because she was practically giggling throughout  the whole exam.

The invigilator looked at her as if she was mad and am starting to think so too.

Next was maths followed by a bunch of other subjects I didn't care to pay attention to the subject heading.

After all the exams I check my watch to see it's already four in the afternoon.

I pick my bag up intending  to leave but I was stopped by cherry who wanted me to try her cooking she forgot to ask me before so I am stuck here for another thirty minutes trying all the dishes she made.

When she meant trying her cooking I didn't expect her to bring a whole buffet table worth of food.

So I now know cherry loves to cook and she is very good at it am going to get use to trying the dishes she makes.

Cherry pov
Exams finally over yah it's finally over am so happy I could do the happy dance and I do much to snow's disapproval.

I no longer have to read for a whole few months yesss happy dance.

Grade 11 will soon be here I so want to be paired with snow.

I will try anything humanly possible anyway I bring out the red velvet cake I baked yesterday and yes I had managed to not let it be eaten by wolves know as my family.

Am so happy cause I noticed that  snow seems to enjoy my cooking.

School can be exhausting sometimes it turns out we have extra classes from now till August after that we can have our end of semester party.

Why do they do this to us to ME sobs  oh life is so unfair so so so unfair.

I start my dramatic crying oh why me why me it seem to have caught the half asleep snow's attention cause she pats my head.

She can be so caring when i need her to be.

I calm down knowing my crying will get me no where.

At least I will get to spend more time with snow before holiday.

School has ended but I suddenly feel like am being watched.

I turn to see snow although her face is still the normal indifferent face but her eyes have become wary of our surroundings.

She told me that today she is walking me home I know it's because she wants to ensure my safety.

Aww I love having friends like her she cares even if she doesn't show it.

But suddenly on our way to my house the main road was blocked for some reason so we had to pass the other path which is not the best place to go when you are being watched.

As soon as we were deep into the path with no one around people wearing black came out of nowhere surrounding us.

The person who I assume to be the leader laughed and said "hey little girls why don't you come with us nicely but you wouldn't have been in this mess if that brown haired girl's father had just meet our demands while white haired girl you're just a victim of circumstances".

Did he just call me brown haired girl seriously is it that hard to find out my name and I wasn't ready to follow these guys.

What surprised me that snow just said "no" as if we had a choice in the matter.

The leader must have been angry because he said to his friend to kill snow that they don't need her.

Before I could even process the words they said one pulled out a gun.

When I saw it my eyes widened and a scream escaped my lips when they fired it at snow.

But another surprise was that snow just shifted her head to the side and the bullet couldn't even get to her.

A bullet was supposed to be very fast and it was but how did snow avoid it like she was just avoided lets say a paper ball coming at her.

One second she's beside me but in the next she had already beaten two of the men.

There were four remaining but soon all of them were on the ground.

Wow I never knew snow could fight her skills were so professional amazing just amazing.

When she was done she asked me to find ropes which I complied.

I looked around and soon found a bunch of rope I gave it to her.

Found a new thing about snow she can tie such a tight knot that even by looking at it you know it will be hard to get out of.

She collected her phone from her bag and called the police.

She soon finished and told me two things that the police will be coming to my house later and we should probably go before it turns dark.

And thankfully there were no more disturbances on our way home.

I know we were supposed to come back with my brother but he said he will stay the night at his Friend's hostel.

We finally reach my house and I had finally convinced snow to stay the night because it was already getting dark yah sleep over.

After informing my parents what happened which they were very worried about we were let into my room after a talk session on safety.

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