Feeling loved❤️✨

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This chapitre it gonna a little bit long so I hope you like it
So I past like four days after my father's birthday and he asked about Jack he said "you know that guy?" I got nervous and I said "yeah sure I mean yess from school you know we had a lot of memories in summer" ugh I don't know why I said that to him omg he gonna know that I have feelings for him so he said "hmm I see..." that really scared me well a hours past and my father proposed to me to go to see mother's Jack I definitely said yess so I went to the kitchen to make some copy cake to take them with us then I got ready and my sisters when we got at there house my father knocked and the door was opening so it him Jack he really was happy to saw us coming and I gave him the copy cake he smiled at me and thanked me I asked "where's your mother?did she getting well ?"he response with a disappointing head "yeah she's fine" "can I go to see her" he said "sure you can go " I got really scared to see her and nervous because my mother had the same cancer so I'm scared of seeing her like that I'm gonna break my old memories so I opened the door slowly and I heard a weak and soft voice saying "come on in I know it you rose"I smiled at her and saying "how you know that's me you really still remember me" she responses " I know because you have a special smell and I heard your voice when Jack opened the door" I said "oh sorry I didn't mean it to wake you up" "it alright" then I heard a voice saying "hey mom do you wanna some coffee rose bring some copy cakes for you" it him Jack she said « oh it really nice thank you Rose » I responses « no problem » so I went to kitchen to help him making coffee and those stuff because I know boys don't really know how to make coffee so I make it and then We take the coffee and the copy cakes to the table and we really in joy it with my father and his mother and his little brother who's the cutest boy that I have ever seen he's really cute he aske me « can I get one of them please » I smiled at him and saying « of course you can pick the one you want » I started looking at him and thinking about he gonna loose his mother in this age omg I can't imagine how much he gonna miss just like my little sister I always caught her crying in her bad at night then I go to calm her and read her a story it really hurt
So it was a great time I got with them so I decided to take the dishes then his mother said « no Rose I can wash them » I responses « no it okay I can wash them quickly » she thanks me and she went back to her room to get rest and my father said to me « hey when you finish you say goodbye to your friend we're going home okay? » I responses « okay I won't be late promise » so Jack come to the kitchen and I notice him so I finally talk to him saying « hey you're okay? » he sighed and responded «Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said «I know you're not your lying just say it okay you'll feel good» he finally let it ou and said with deeply voice « when I see my mother getting hurts I get really mad she's really fighting cancer everyday she's getting worse and I'm scared of loosing her» I responses « I know you're worried about her may god take her pain away from her and I really know that feeling to when you see your mother getting worse everyday and that she can't speak like before and get tired so quick it really hard» he look me in the eyes with an upset face and saying «yeah it hard» a moment of silence scrolled then we heard like someone felt down so I went and Jack quickly to her room it was her in the floor and with closed eyes I screamed and said «NO what's happening to her call the ambulance» he took the phone and called them when we were waiting them he was chocked and he didn't know what to do so the ambulance come and they took her to the hospital I called dad and saying that I'm going with Jack at the hospital he didn't reject it and said take care of you each other so when we arrived in the hospital we runs to her room and I saw a doctor coming over my direction so I asked him about her he said « she got really tired she shouldn't get up from her bed she need a rest cause yesterday she just got her first chemo I looked at Jack saying « why you didn't tell me about her first chemo I could went with you» he didn't responded but I saw he's looking down in the floor upset so we waited in her room until I opened my phone and saw it 12am he said to me «you should go home I'll be here with her»I said «no I'm waiting here for her until she wakes up» he responses «it okay you can come tomorrow and check he it fine just go home and get a rest my brothers will go with u too » yeah he has another brother mat he's my age and he the same class with me so I said «fine I'll go but if something happens called me okay» he shake his head with a yes
So I went home my father and brother were worried and they asked me about his mother I said that «she was really tired and we heard her falling and we find her in the floor after that the ambulance came and they took her to the hospital»
When the morning comes I opened my phone and it was 8am so I get up and get ready to go to the hospital when I arrived I saw her room empty so I went to the nurse to ask about her room maybe they changed it because I got scared when I saw the room empty so In my way to go I saw Matt in the hallway he seems upset and he had his hand on his face so I runs to him and asked him «hey what going on what happens» he was frozen in his place so I yelled «Hey Tell me What is going On» he took his hand off his face and I saw tears of his eyes at that moment I start crying too cause I felt it that his mother is gone i had my hand on my face and I was really chocked and my tears run off my eyes it really hurts my hurts was burning why do we get really hurt in this life
After like an hour I saw Jack coming out from her room he looked at me and his eyes were red so he takes his tears off his face and said«I need to get my brother off school » I stopped crying and said to him « I'm gonna bring him don't worry » he responses «thank you » so I went to his school and I was scared to what I'm gonna say to this little child omg I hope I won't start crying in front of him so when he saw he runs at me and said «Rose you came to take thank youu » I smiled at him « of course I'll come » so on our way he asked «where are we going » I didn't know what to say so I think that I should take home with me so he can stay with my sisters and to tell my father about his mother so I said to him«we are going to go to my house okay » he jumped and said «yeah great » when we arrived I knocked and my old sister open the door so she said« hello oh hi little boy how are you» she noticed that I was crying cause she really knows when I'm hurting like every time I feel upset she knows that so I said to her «he gonna stay with us for a time » she said « great that would be fun» so my father cames and my old sister too she closed the door and asked me« what's going on why you were crying» at that moment I couldn't take it anymore and I said with a weak voice «she's gone » my sister was chocked my father too he hugs and said « I know it hurt to take this too but it we'll be alright» I cried a lot until I couldn't breath anymore so it 7pm and I have to go to check Jack so I went to the hospital and I saw him out in the chair sitting and I said « hey I'm here are you okay» he looked at me with an upset face and cold eyes and said « where's my brother» I response « he's home with us he's sleeping » he said «fine I'll take him tomorrow morning » I said «don't change the subject I said your okay ?» he didn't said anything just looked at me with an angry face so I stopped talking and we were just in silence until it start rains so I took my hands off my jacket to touch the rains I really love doing this so he didn't move so i am I don't care if I'll be sick after or something I just enjoyed the rains then he said to me « go home you'll get sick » I response « no I'll stay with you » he sighted with anger and yelled « I said GO Home I don't need you okay just leave me alone» I yells too saying « I won't let you alone cause I know this feeling too I had that experience it will kill you this sundress trust me no one was with me on my lowest » and I start crying he looked at me and said « I'm sorry I shouldn't yelled at you» I response «but you did» a moment of silence past from here and I felt really hurt when he yelled at me now he's not talking so as am I so I said to him«I'm leaving good night» he responses «Now okay good night» with a disappointment so I turned to him saying « what I was sitting here and you didn't want to talk you just yelled at me and you don't want me to leave what's wrong with you tell me I know you're not okay and you're upset and hurt but you didn't say one word about this so what you want me to do..» he cut my speak and hug me I froze and I was really chocked I couldn't do anything just staying there then I put my hand in his back he smelled really good I closed my hurt and enjoyed the moment ong it was just like a dream like I'm really hugging my crush from like 6years omg I could just stop the time and just set there hugging him but no I couldn't so he moved back and said to me «I'm sorry I know I yelled at you and I shouldn't I'm a bad guy go home and have some rest and thank you for being with me» I response « I'll always be here for you and I know you still run away from my question but I'll ask you until you let it out good night see you tomorrow»

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