Part 10

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"Alright, trio you ready?" Aunt Miya asked sitting next to the speaker. They nodded and she started the music.

They rehearsed their choreography a few times. The crew of the Kozume dance school being the biggest hype house went wild.

When they finished running the dance, we started to head down to the stage.

"Bokuto-san can you come with me? I'm going to get a snack." Akaashi said leaving with Bokuto. "We'll see you there!"

Emi, Aiko and Haruki went back stage and got ready for their turn. We sat in our seats and watched the ongoing number. I got excited seeing the current dancers.

"Do you know these dancers?" Kuroo leaned in and whispered to me.

"Yeah they're from the biggest dance school in Miyagi" I paused and lifted my hand. "See him, that's Shoyo Hinata. He's my friend and the best dancer on his team if you ask me." I pointed to Shoyo who was just finishing a contortion trick.

"Oh wow he's flexible." Kuroo let out. "What category of dance is this?"

"Tricks and breakdancing." I answered. Shoyo's team finished and everybody clapped.

"Wow Shoyo has gotten really good!" Akaashi let out sitting next to me along side Bokuto. "Yeah he's been working hard." I say.

I turn my head to aunt Miya. "Do I have time to go see him?" I ask. She nods. "Sure we still have another number until our trio, go!" She says with a smile.

I get up and drag Kuroo with me. We leave the auditorium and go out to see Shoyo's team hugging and congratulating themselves.

"Shoyooooo!" I yell running towards the lad. He turns around and when he sees me he does the same. "Kenmaaaaaa!" He tackle each other in a hug.

"You were so good Shoyo, your contortion has gotten so amazing." I tell him.

"Thanks! When are you going on?" He asks.

"54 in a solo, ballet." His eyes light up.

"Oh my god you're finally doing a ballet solo again! Yay!" He lets out excited, jumping around like a little kid. "Wait who's this?" He asks looking up at Kuroo.

"I'm kuroo." Kuroo puts out a hand inviting my small friend to shake it. "He's my boyfriend." I say. Shoyo smirks. "Cool, that's Kageyama! He's my boyfriend!" He points to a boy at the vending machine with a scowl on his face.

"Nice, but we've got to go! Our trio is going on soon!" I say and Shoyo nods. "Yeah go! I'll be watching!" He says as we start to go back.

"And now for number 32, a trio from Kozume dance school!" We hear the introduction and run to our seats as our friends enter the stage.

"Right on time." I let out sitting next to Akaashi.

The music starts but the three don't move, yet. However, when the beat drops, that's when it starts. Their heads shoot up, their heads turn and meet their gazes, they smirk before Emi (who was in the middle) crouches down. Aiko and Haruki do the same after, and all three jump up in unison on beat. They start moving, dancing to the music with perfect timing.


The crowd cheers. The crowd claps. The judges get up and congratulate the dancers. The dancers leave the stage.

"That was amazing!"

"They really gave it their all!"

"The Kozume dance school never deceives!"

I heard amongst the crowds. "Common guys lets go!" Aunt Miya yelled above the cheers. We went out of the auditorium and waited for our dancers to come out from back stage.

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