Gaara||7 mins in heaven p1.

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it was your turn. You stood up and reached in the hat and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. You unraveled it and it said 'Gaara'."I got Gaara."You said trying to hide for excitement in your voice."I didnt even put my name in.."Gaara grunted,remaining sat down in his seat with his arms folded.Everyone was to scared to argue with a guy like Gaara so ,there was an awkward silence expecting someone to break the silence.

"Well I'll go in on my own then."You said expecting him to follow you into the closet from guilt.He didnt.You closed the door behind you and released a long and lonely sigh.

You sat down in the corner of the room,hugging your knees and staring at the floor.Suddenly the was a draft in the closet,as if someone had opened the door and randomly led outside.

You jumped to your feet startled.Not knowing your actions.After awhile,you sat down and hugged your knees looking at the floor again.From the tiny amount of light that was shown, you saw some sand on the floor. without thinking you reach your hand out and poked it with your index finger.You drew stick people and shapes."Having fun?"Said a raspy voice making you jump.

"Maybe,im just bored.I didnt expect to be here on my own."You said,"Why did you come in here with me?" You asked."Loneliness isnt the preferred emotion,but don't expect me to get touchy with you,I rather be killing you right now."He said with a harsh tone.You didn't reply back to him,instead you were thinking about what would happen could've happened between you and Gaara.

You lost yourself in a gaze."Are you scared or being in here with me?"He asked,judging by your silence."No,why would I?"You asked with sadness in your voice."Because I could kill you."He said,"You wouldn't,you have no reason to."You replied simply.

You were gonna tell him you loved him but you were scared to."Never mind.."You said.

The was a LONG silence between you two."Tell me..or i'll kill you."Gaara said in a deep,harsh tone which sent a shiver down your spine."Um you seeee,t-theres t-t-this thing..erm."You stuttered,trying to put it in words. suddenly you felt sand travel up your legs to your thighs then your waist."G-Gaara.."You said with fear in your voice."You have 5 seconds to tell me or else I will kill you."He said with aggression in his voice."5......4..........3....2....","OK OK,I LOVE YOU GAARA!"You squealed out.The looked at you with shook and his sand went back in his container.



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