First meeting

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Khloe pov
Its just another boring day since this quarantine began and am so bored plus in a lot of pain cause of these fucking cramps. "Aghhh" I mumble to myself.

I hear mom on the phone and she is not so happy. So I ask her  what's going on." Dear, your aunty lost her husband and we are leaving tomorrow to go see them" she said. "What! seriously" I was in no mood to travel and not in this condition. I mean yeah I did feel bad about my uncle  but It had been a month ago and I didn't want to go.
I tried so hard to convince my mom to tell dad I was sick or something so I wouldn't go.

"Kale, guess what we are travelling tomorrow" I begun annoying my little brother.

We finally all had dinner and went off to sleep. It was so dark in the room and I had no sleep at all I was in a daze. Thinking about meeting my cousins whom I had not seen in like 5 years. They were probably old now especially Lukas he was the oldest probably 22 and his sisters  
Aime( who was 18) plus Lily who was only 14. I was certainly in no mood for the awkward greeting and all that shit. With the hope that my dad would agree to stay I went off to sleep.

"Khloe get up we are late" I heard a voice. I turned around clearly with sleep still in my eyes."What" I mumbled. It was Kale I felt like hitting him in the face really hard. "Go away jezz!" I shouted in his face. He got all pissed and didn't even tell me why he  woke me up. Talk about a waste of time. Mom got into the room and he left she told me to get up and pack my bags for the trip. gosh was I disappointed. "Dad said you will be fine so you can still travel" seriously, was he kidding well I had nothing to do about it so I got up and started packing.

When we were all ready we got into the car and started our trip it was probably going to take about 4 hours and I loved being on the road looking out the window and wishing the journey would never end. Mom kept on asking if I was feeling ok and I was happy she was concerned. Finally we got to the place and dad honked for them to open the gate.I have to admit even though I really never wanted to go, the place looked pretty good. We got in and my aunt was there waiting for us. Of course Kale got out first to greet her but that wasn't my thing. I got out the car and said an awkward hello then Aimie came towards me and said hello I could tell that she felt a little awkward but I just said hello back. Mom called me to the back to get my bags and as I got them out Lily came over she was really so cute and we bonded almost immediately. She left and I was still in the back getting the rest when suddenly "Hey" someone said to me it was a voice I never heard before I finally snapped out of my daze and turned to only to see a person who was tall leaning over with his body frame covering my view with the eyes that would just drown you in them I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to say hello I came back to reality and realised it was Lukas and man had he grown I said hello back trying not sound awkward at all. I was so stunned he was no longer the little boy I  knew, he was taller,more muscular and might I say cuter he was literally  just so different....

Thanx guys for reading and I hope u love the book and feel free to give any suggestions

See yall later mwaaaaa!!!!!

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