The small island🍃

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Hi! I'm Lisa!
I'm currently on summer holidays!
I'm also super bored so I decided to write a diary :

"Yay I can't wait!"- I said.
"Just two more weeks here and I'm going to my grandma's house!"- I live in a big city that is SUPER modern and absolutely BORING. You can't hang out with your friends because there is literally NO space! There are just big buildings and skyscrapers, but no nature! But my grandma lives on a small island full of trees, flowers, animals, and everything!
That two weeks went by quickly.
I packed my things and rushed into my mum's car!
"Lisa, did you know that the island your grandma lives on is famous for having a ton of stray cats?"-my mom said.
"Oh...Really? "Well, I love cats so that's good!" -
After hours and hours, we were finally there. "Hii grandma!"- I said happily.
"Hi, sweetie! I have a surprise for you, but it's late so you will see it tomorrow!"-"Okay!"
I got ready for sleep and after hours of scrolling through my phone, I fell asleep. Then in the middle of the night, I heard something and woke up. "Mom? Grandma?"- There was no one.
Then I heard it again. It was like a loud meow. "Oh well, my mom said there were a lot of stray cats"- I said and tried to sleep. The sound got louder and in one moment I felt something...Something special, but I didn't know what. Then it stopped, and I didn't hear anything so I fell asleep again.

That is it for this part, and in the second one you will find out what was the big surprise! ✨

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