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After I heard my mom say those words I was extremely angry, sad, and confused,...
"No!"- I said regretting it. "What do you mean by no? I said what I said and I am not changing my mind!"-I rushed into my room with tears in my eyes "Great, tomorrow I will have to be in our city that's falling apart, and leave Emerald!"-After I said that Emerald came to me and put his paw on my leg "Meaw"- he said. I realized that he is connected to ME, so I won't have to leave him!
"Mom, I'm going out"-I told her still mad. "Mhm"- She said while clearly noticing that I was pissed and giving her looks.
I decided that I'm going to train Emerald. After 2 HOURS I finally taught him how to shapeshift into a dragon. "Good boy!"-I said excitedly. "Let's try something." I got onto Emerald and tried to get him to fly: "Okay now Fly! Emerald? Could you-" - All of a sudden he started to fly. It was something that Ill never forget. It felt magical. Emerald was spinning in circles while I was trying not to throw up. "Woooo!!"-I was yelling happily because this meant that with Emerald I could go where ever I want. After 15 minutes Emerald started going straight forward and took me to a beautiful island with all kinds of flowers. "Wow."- I said looking around and exploring the island. Then I saw a greenish light coming from around the corner. It was coming from a tree. I was looking around the tree to find where is the light coming from and then Emerald pushed me. "Hey!" When I got up I realized I was standing in front of a giant emerald connected to the tree. There were three colors on the emerald: black, yellow, and green. I looked at Emerald and he was sitting with his eyes closed, concentrating. I did the same thing as I did in the woods. As I open my eyes I felt warm and powerful. Emerald eyes were glowing, and so
were my hands. I pointed my hand to a small tree and in just a second it turned into a huge beautiful pink tree. "I HAVE POWERS"- I yelled.

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