The Darkness Within: Part 7

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Chapter 7:

"Apparently the police think that she may have been murdered, although there's also suspicion from the press that she killed herself. What do you think?" April asks, through the phone.

"Uh, I don't know. I'm only hearing about this now. I had no clue. What else do you know?"

Fallon swallows hard, desperately trying to connect the dots in her state of mind.

She presses her forehead, fighting hard to channel her swirling thoughts. "Are you sure she was killed on a hill, like a mountain?"

"Yeah, Hillside Dog Park. It's on the news"

Fear starts to grip Fallon's body.

She begins to remember her recent dream; every detail, every part.

Could it be.....

No. No.

It couldn't.

"I feel sick" She clutches her stomach, vomit clogging her throat, struggling to not regurgitate her morning meal. "Can we talk later?"

Her voice quivers as she speaks.

Not a good sign.

"Sure. Let's meet for drinks. I'll message Divine the details, yeh?" April suggests.

"Yeah, ok. Fine. What time?"

"I'm free from seven. You?"

"Sounds good. Talk later"


Fallon hangs up the phone immediately.

Throwing her starbucks drink in the trash, she walks home.

Hastily, Fallon uses her key to unlock her one bedroom apartment.

She enters her bedroom.

Suddenly, adrenaline begins to pump through her system, as her body instantly becomes weary.

Could her eyes be fooling her?

The sense of horror almost paralyzes her, as she sees hidden drops of blood stained across her bedsheets.

Why didn't she notice this morning?

She walks over, smoothing her fingers against the drops of thick blood marked on her walls.

Overcome with fear and confusion, she hesitates, before setting up her fireplace.

Almost instantly, she throws her bedsheets in the fire, watching as the distinctive flames begin to demolish the cloth.

She throws her pillows in next.

She washes her hands once again using quantities of soap to cleanse them to perfection.

It's Oaklyn, she convinces herself.

It's her. Her ghost.

She's trying to hurt me.

To scare me, she tells herself.

But I won't let that happen.

Returning to her bedroom, she strips out of her casual clothes.

Flicking through her wardrobe, she struggles to choose between her aqua two piece, or her rose dress.

Champagne skirt it is, she sighs.

Dropping her two options on her bed, she zips up her new skirt, wears her jacket and strolls out the door. 

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