The Darkness Within: Part 26

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Chapter 26:

5th of November, 2020.

Police Station, Broklynn, New York.

Tension rises through the air, the walls are thick with stone.

The atmosphere is stiff; strained.

"Fallon Johnston, could you please repeat the story that you told me at the scene of the crime, a couple weeks ago, on the twentieth of October?"

That's all it is, to Fallon.

A story.

She glances at the recorder neatly placed on the metal table in the room.

She grins, her scenario already rehearsed.

Well...that's just how she remembers it.

The police woman sitting across from Fallon watches her sternly as she speaks, staring into her eyes, attempting to catch her in a lie.

But that's not possible.

"I was in pain. I had just discovered the death of both my parents on the news. I was preparing myself for my questioning with the police- well, I was trying to prepare. I'm sorry-" Her voice trails off, as she wipes her falling tears. "I'm sorry, I'm still trying to process her death"

"Take all the time you need" The police woman gives an encouraging smile, although she jabs at her paper continuously with the tip of her pen, which suggests otherwise.

The second police officer hands Fallon a piece of tissue, which she uses to blow her nose aggressively.

She takes a deep breath. Here we go.

"Sometime that day- I can't remember the specific hour, Divine barges into my home, carrying a gun. I was so shocked. I didn't know what to do-

"What type of gun of was Divine Lane carrying the day of her murder?"

Fallon frowns, face wet with tears. "I-I don't know. There's different types of guns? I only know that it was small, easy to grip in the hand- wait, why are you asking this? I thougut you already had all the weapons used in the murder in your possesion" She asks, confusion painting her face like a picture.

"We do. I'm just testing your knowledge. Please, continue" She folds her arms, ears absorbed into Fallon's descriptions.

She sighs.

"Anyways-" She pauses to sniff her nose. "I assume she's here to talk, maybe comfort me about the death of my family, so I begin to offer her a seat, and a glass of wine like I always do when she comes over, but clearly she wasn't there to chat"

"Why was that your first assumption? You see Divine Lane carrying a weapon, and you immediately offer her a seat?"

"I didn't see the gun until later. She hadn't pulled it out yet" Fallon frowns, her body becoming irritated. She's not easily entertained.

The woman jots this information down.

She nods. "Continue"

"All of a sudden, she starts accusing me of killing my own husband many years ago, Damari Johnston. She sounded crazy-" Fallon pauses, attempting to regain her memory. "She told me that I'm crazy, and that I hurt my parents? She wasn't making any sense, if I'm being honest" She shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know what was wrong with her. I'd never seen anything like it. She'd never acted this repulsively, until that day"

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