The Shine of Silver

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"You can go ahead and open your presents now," my mom said. Most of them were clothing items, with a few musical gifts thrown in, courtesy of Alex of course. I finished unwrapping the last one and was going to bring everything to my room when my dad stopped me.

"Your mom and I have one last gift for you," he said, setting a small rectangular box in my hand. I pulled the paper off of it and opened the box up. My smile couldn't have gotten any wider as I looked at what was inside.

"Do you like it?" My mom asked.

"Of course I do! I can't believe you actually got me a matching necklace to yours!"

She smiled at me, "I know how much you've always loved mine and I figured what better gift to give my little girl since she decided to be a teenager already."

I giggled, "Mom, you know I can't control it. I would stay little forever if it would make you happy."

"Really?" She questioned.

I shook my head, "No, I want a boyfriend eventually."

"Hey, just because you're a teenager doesn't mean you can start dating. Right guys?" My dad said, glancing over to my two older siblings Alex and Allison.

"Right," Alex said, "Especially any of my friends."

"I don't even like any of your friends," I responded. It might have been a small lie but that doesn't really matter.

"Well, I'll be here with advice whenever you need it," Allison remarked, "But it's probably best to stay away from boys for awhile."

"You have a boyfriend though!" I said.

"And I am three years older than you," She rebutted. 

"Okay enough talk about boys, why don't we eat some cake," my dad said.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed, "Wait mom, can you put this necklace one me?"

"Of course, sweetheart." She put it on and turned me around.

"It looks perfect on you," She smiled. I smiled back at her. I didn't end up taking it off for nearly two years.


"Are you okay?" I heard Reggie ask with concern. I looked over the railing to see he was staring up at me. I was still holding the necklace in my hand.

"Yeah, uh, I just found something from before. It's nothing really, just surprised to see it is all," I respond.

"If you want to talk about it I'm here," he said.

I shook my head quickly, "Like I said, It's nothing." I put the necklace back into the box and nearly ran down the loft stairs.

"Are you sure you're fine?" He questioned.

"Yes I swear on my guitar," I say, sitting down on the couch, "You know what would be really fun?"

"What?" he asked sitting down beside me.

I scooted closer to him, "Making out."

His cheeks flushed red, "Y-y-yeah that sounds like a good idea."

I laughed, "Too bad we need to work on this new song first."

"Seriously?" He complained, "Can't we do that later."

"Nope, we have another gig tomorrow and need to be ready," I replied.

"Fine, but afterwards?" He asked.

"I'll definitely think about it."

We started going over the song. Normally we would do it ask a group, but seeing as how I had no idea where the other three members were that wasn't going to happen at the moment. My mind started drifting back to the necklace and the memories it held. I remember my mom always smiling when she saw it. I wanted to be just like her growing up, that was until she practically disowned Alex. I took it off three days after he came out to them. I wasn't going to look at somebody differently because of who they loved and to me that necklace was a symbol that I was just like the people who did and I didn't want that. I wished so hard that things could be different, and sometimes I still do. I will always love my parents, no matter how hard I try to hate them.

I felt a hand slip into mine and I noticed Reggie's face staring at me with concern.

"You are not okay," he said, taking my face in his hands and wiping away a stray tear, "Please tell me what's going on."

I took a shaky breath, "I found the necklace."

"The necklace?"

I stared at him for a minute.

"Oh! That necklace, with the heart?" he asked. 

I nodded my head. "It brought back a lot of memories of my parents, especially my mom. I'm still so conflicted even in the after life. I just want to hate them Reg, Why can't I hate them!" I cried.

"Hey it's okay," he said, pulling me into a hug, "It's hard, I know. You want to hate them for what they did but deep down you know they loved you."

I continued to cry into his shirt. I don't know how much time passed but Alex eventually showed back up.

"Guys guess what! I foun-" he stopped talking when he noticed me crying, "Hey what happened?"

I felt him sit down on the other side of me. I turned to look at him, "You know, just thinking about our parents."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I nodded my head.

"I'll let you guys talk," Reggie said kissing my forehead before poofing out.

"I didn't realize the shine of silver could lead to so much pain," I say.

"You found it didn't you? I tried to hide it, I know that necklace hurt you a lot," he said.

"Why did they have to be like that? I mean parents are suppose to love their kids no matter what, but instead they chose to treat you like an outcast. Mom used to tell us she would be proud of us no matter what. I guess she lied about that."

"I'm sorry, if I wasn't-" 

"Stop," I say cutting him off, "Don't blame yourself and don't start wishing you were some other way because you are exactly who you are supposed to be. I just feel wrong for loving them still. I feel like I'm betraying you."

"You're not betraying me. I still love them too. It's not like they threw me out into the woods, they just changed the way they looked at me and it sucked and I am mad at them for that, but I don't hate them," He reassured me, "And I will always be thankful for you sticking by my side."

"There's no need to thank me," I responded.

A silence falls between the two of us.

"Do you ever think about Allison?" He asked.

I smile, "All the time, I always wondered what she would have thought about it. Guess she was too busy with college to stop in and see us. I tried to find her, but I couldn't."

"Me neither, I hope she's doing well."

"She did loose both of her siblings within a year, but she always seemed to be able to get through whatever life gave her," I said.

"Especially after every break up," Alex commented.

"Alex!" I scolded, slapping his shoulder.

The two of us laughed and swapped memories of our older sister for the rest of the afternoon.

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