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Alex's P.O.V

I found Willie skating in a skate park. For once he was actually following the rules. I stood back and admired him from afar. He looked great. Skating I mean, he was a great skater. He finished the trick he was doing and looked up to see me. A smile grew on his face as he took his helmet off and walked to me.

"Hey what's going on? I didn't expect to see you here," he says flipping his hair out of his face.

"Maybe I just wanted to come see my boyfriend," I respond. It's hard to tell in the darkness but I think his faced turned a bit red.

"Well I'd be okay with that if I didn't know you. I can tell something is bugging you Alex."

I look to the ground and shuffle my feet around, "You're right. I need to ask you something about Caleb."

His brow furrows in concern, "Caleb? What about Caleb? You don't want to go back to him right?"

I immediately shake my head "No! Of course not! I just need to know if you've seen him around. Autumn feels like we're being watched."

"I haven't seen him, not even at the club. It's kind of weird honestly. I guess it could be possible he's watching you guys, especially after you escaped his mark and all."

I take in a shaky breath, "Great that's great. First he tried to force us to work with him, then he tried to get rid of us forever, and now he is watching us. We might as well just tie ourselves to him."

Willie grabs my hand and squeezes it gently, "it's going to be okay Alex, we'll figure out what's going on and take care of it. You already defeated him once and you can do it again."

"Thanks, it means a lot to have you here with me. You're one of the very few people who can calm me down. I'm glad we get to be together still."

He smiles at me, "Me too."

"I'll see you tomorrow. By then I'll know what Autumn and Reggie found out."

"Cool. I'll ask my ghost friends if they've seen him."

"Goodnight Willie."

"Goodnight Alex." We stand around awkwardly before he gives me a quick kiss and skates off. I can feel myself blushing as I poof away.

Luke's P.O.V

I appear in front of Julie's door and knock gently. I try to keep it as quiet as possible so I don't attract her dad's attention. At this point her brother knows so I'm not concerned about him. I hear a soft shuffling from inside and the door opens all within a few seconds.

"Did you miss me?" I ask giving her my best smile as I enter the room.

She closes the door behind me, "I literally saw you half an hour ago."

"And? I missed you."

She smiles at the ground as I walk closer to her. She looks up at me, "What are you doing here Luke?"

"I told you, I missed you."

"I know it's not that."

"Fine, you got me. I'm lonely. Alex left to go hang out with Willie and Reggie and Autumn are off on a date or something."

She let out a small laugh, "All your friends left you." Man, I really love her laugh.

"Hey! I still have you. Unless you don't consider yourself my friend."

Her cheeks grew red, "No, of course you're my friend. Definitely my friend. Friend." She punched my shoulder.

"Ow! what was that for?"

"Friends hit each other sometimes."

"Not that hard they don't," I complain.

She sighs, "listen can you just go back to the studio. I'm really tired and want to sleep."

"I can stay here and watch you." Her nose scrunched up and she looked at me weird. I then realized how that sounded. "I didn't mean in a creepy way, I just don't want to be alone."

"Awe Luke, are you scared of the dark?" She joked.

"No of course not. I just want to be with you. In your room that is. I mean like hang out with you." I mentally face palmed myself for how bad that was.

"I guess we can watch a movie together until the others get back."

"Really?" I ask excited.

"Yes really. Just don't make me regret it."

"You got it boss."

Autumn's P.O.V

Reggie and I walked the streets of Los Angeles trying to find any other ghost. It was harder than you would think. We'd think someone was looking at us but then they'd really be looking at something in the shop window behind us. It was also hard to tell if someone was a ghost or not because it's not like a ghost would casually be walking through people. Most ghost avoided that because it felt weird. At least that's what I was told before.

I slumped down against a wall and Reggie followed my actions.

"This is literally impossible," he complained as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Maybe we should just make a sign that says 'looking for ghosts'. Lifers will see it, but at least it'll be effective," I suggest.

"You're a genius! Let's go get the supplies." I groaned as he pulled me up from the ground. For being a ghost I was weirdly tired. As we passed by a store I noticed something from the window.

"No way," I muttered to myself as I pulled Reggie inside with me. He let out a noise of confusion at the sudden change in direction. One of the clothing racks inside the store had shirts with our band name on it.

"There's already Julie and The Phantoms shirts?" Reggie asked shocked, "We had to buy the Sunset Curve shirts ourselves."

"I guess the band is becoming more popular than we realized."

"Oh My God! Do you guys like Julie and the Phantoms too?" I heard a girl's voice ask from behind us.

Reggie and I turned to each other and shared a confused look.

"Are talking to us?" I ask her. She has light brown hair that flows just above her shoulders and looks to be about fifteen.

"Yes...wait a minute. I can't believe it! You two are part of the band aren't you?"

I'm too stunned to say anything and just as Reggie is about to answer her, a woman interrupts.

"Alexandra, I told you to meet me out front fifteen minutes ago. We have to get going, your grandma is waiting in the car." I feel my whole world freeze in that moment. It had been twenty-six years since I last saw her but I knew that it was my sister. I knew that it was Allison.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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