I'm Still Here

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Alex's P.O.V
(Between the first two chapters)

I still hadn't found Willie. I tried looking every where and I was worried Caleb had gotten to him. I decided to look at the museum one last time.

I searched nearly every inch and was about to give up when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw him. He looked like he had just seen a ghost or something. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. Once we pulled away he stared at me in disbelief.

"I don't understand, how are you still here?" He asked.

"I don't really know. Julie hugged us and then our stamps floated up and disappeared. Also, Julie can touch us now," I explained.

"That really shouldn't be possible, but I'm glad it is," he said before hugging me again. This time I decided I wasn't going to let go and instead I kissed him. It was short, but it was perfect.

"So," I say, "I kind of really like you. I mean I don't really understand how ghost relationships work, but my sister does it so it can't be too complicated, like it has to be easier than a ghost and a lif-" I was cut off my Willie kissing me.

"Chill out Alex, I like you too," he says smiling at me.

"Sorry, I probably should have asked before I kissed you. I just couldn't find you any where and I was worried Caleb had hurt you," I explain. He moved his eyes away from me.

"I appreciate you worrying about me. I've just been skating for awhile and not stopping, I guess I was trying to forget about everything," he says glancing at me, "But something told me to come back here."

I let out a small laugh, "Guess nothing can keep us apart."

He smiled for a moment but then his face fell, "I know no matter what I can't change what happened. I'm so sorry for what I did to you guys. After I thought you were gone, I felt so lost. What made it worse is knowing I caused it."

"Willie, I already told you, this is on Caleb. Besides, like you said,nothing can change what has happened, we just have to focus on what's next for us," I say.

"Next for us meaning...?"

I felt my face get hot, "Me and you, if you're up for it of course."

"Of course I am," he said before grabbing my hand, "Let's go!"

"Go where?" I asked.

He smirked at me, "To break the rules."

Luke's P.O.V
(Between both chapters)

I had been fighting with Flynn for the past half an hour over getting a gift for Julie. I quickly scribbled on the piece of paper that it was very important that she doesn't tell Julie anything about this.

"Seriously Luke, I can't even begin to comprehend what that says," she complained.

"And I can't comprehend why anyone ever wants you to help them," I muttered under my breath even though she couldn't hear me. I took the pencil and wrote what I said again in the neatest hand writing I could manage.

Flynn rolled her eyes, "No duh Luke, who tells someone they're getting a gift."

It took almost every part of my being to not knock something onto the floor, but I managed. Once we had everything sorted out, I left some money on the desk for her to get the present and poofed out.

I reappeared in Julie's kitchen, where she was doing school work at the table. In front of a vase of pink flowers.

"Where did those come from?" I asked sitting down beside her.

"Nick got them for me," she answered, and then sighed, "Don't make that face."

"What face?" I questioned.

"The pouty face you make whenever you don't like something."

"I don't have a pouty face."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"I'm telling you, I don't."

"And I'm telling you, you do."

"Who are you talking to?" A voice asked from the stairs. We both turned to see Carlos.

"Uh, no one," Julie said.

"You know I already know your band is made up of ghosts. I just want to know which one your talking to," he replied.

"It doesn't matter, you can't see them anyway," she said.

"It's definitely Luke then. In that case, I'm going to go back to my room and let you guys talk. Alone."

Julie rolled her eyes and Carlos headed back up the stairs.

"So, why did Nick get you flowers?" I asked.

"He just wanted to congratulate me for a job well done at the Orpheum."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's all it was," I commented sarcastically.

"Stop being jealous," she said placing her hand on my arm. It was still weird being able to touch but it was also nice.

"I'm not jealous I just don't get why he needed to get you flowers, when he could have just said 'nice job' at school."

"It doesn't matter matter anyway, now leave so I can actually get this done," she said.

"So I distract you?" I inquired.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Just go."

I did as she said and poofed out.

The next day I got her gift from Flynn. I decided to place to on the piano bench and wait for her to find it. Once I knew she was on her way home from school I went to the studio. I almost gagged at what I saw.

"Seriously!" I yelled, causing Autumn and Reggie to split apart, "You two can go literally anywhere, but you choose to make out in the studio that we all use."

"Sorry," Autumn apologized, "Uh, we will be leaving now." With that, she grabbed Reggie's hand and poofed out.

I continued with my plan and then hid until Julie came in. She walked over to the piano, and picked up the gift. I wrote her name on the packaging, so she would know it was for her. She unwrapped it to reveal a charm bracelet that had a microphone, Daliha, ghost, music note, and butterfly on it. I figured now would be the best time to show myself.

"I hope you like it, I spend a lot of time arguing with Flynn to get it," I say.

"Thanks Luke, I love it."

"You deserve something for all the hard work you put into our band. And I figured you could wear it to our performance tonight."

"Yeah, I definitely will," she said. We stared at each other for a moment and then she moved toward me and kissed my cheek, "Speaking of tonight, I need to go get ready, see you later." She walked out of the studio and I gave her a little wave when she turned back to look at me. Julie Molina is definitely something special.

A/N: Willex and Juke this chapter. I decided to make this story more than just about my character and that's kind of what this chapter is.

Also opinions on which ship should have the first kiss if we actually get a season two?

A Band Like No Other// 4th Phantom Book 2Where stories live. Discover now