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Autumn's P.O.V

We were getting ready to perform at a local arena. After we played the Orpheum, Julie started getting a lot of calls from managers and record executives, but we hadn't made any major decisions yet.

We were waiting backstage to go on and perform our new song called "Second Chance". It's basically about what you think it is. Since we all got second chances we decided to write a song about it and how we weren't going to waste it this time. I was going over the chords in my head when I heard arguing.

"I told you to quit!" Alex complained.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," Reggie responded.

I walked over to the two of them, "What are you guys fighting about?"

"Reggie keeps stealing my drum sticks," Alex explained.

I turned to Reggie and raised an eyebrow.

"I just like to tap them against the table. I think it's fun," Reggie said.

"Dude! They're my drumsticks," Alex replied motioning to himself.

I sighed, "Reggie give Alex back his drum sticks, you can tap your fingers against the table instead."

"Oh yeah!" Reggie excitedly said and handed the sticks back to Alex.

"Thank you," Alex said and then looked down at his sticks, "Did pizza boy hurt you?"

I rolled my eyes at them and walked over to where Julie and Luke were sitting.

"What are you two lovebirds up to?" I asked. Julie's new bracelet didn't go unnoticed by me.

Luke chuckled a little and turned to Julie, "She called us love birds."

Julie smiled and shook her head, "I know, I heard her."

"Are you guys ready to perform?" I asked.

"Always," Luke replied.

Coincidently enough, Flynn walked through the door and told us it was time for us to go on. As usual, Julie took the stage first. While we were performing I took notice of Nick in the crowd. I had seen him at our previous performances and he always seemed so happy and to enjoy it but today it was different. It seemed like he was staring into our souls. I tried my hardest to focus on the music and playing my guitar but I kept getting distracted by Nick. Something was definitely off and it didn't help with the weird vibes I had been getting lately. Once we were done the guys and I poofed back to the dressing room while Julie talked to some people.

"Autumn, are you good?" Luke asked.

"I was that bad?" I questioned, looking between the three of them.

Reggie quickly shook his head no.

"You just seemed off, is all," Alex replied.

"Yeah, you were totally distracted. I couldn't even flirt with you," Reggie pouted.

I sighed and sat down on one of the couches, "You guys are going to think I'm crazy."

"It's a little too late for you to worry about that," Alex remarked.

I glared at him until Luke interrupted my intense staring.

"What's going on Autumn?"

"Ever since we played the Orpheum I've felt like someone has been watching us and then tonight I was watching Nick in the crowd and he seemed like he was staring into our souls. Normally if he were to stare intensely at one of us it would be Julie but he barely spared her a glance."

"I knew he was no good," Luke said.

"That's the thing he always seemed like such a good person before but tonight was just different."

"You don't think it has anything to do with Caleb, do you?" Alex asked.

Before I could respond Julie skipped into the room, Flynn not far behind her.

"We were great tonight! We even got offered a few more gigs for the next couple of weeks," Julie said.

"That's amazing!" Luke responded, picking her up and twirling her around. I couldn't help but giggle at Flynn's face. I could only imagine what it must look like to the girl who couldn't see us.

"We're going to be a household name before you know it," Reggie said. He then gasped and turned to me, "I can't wait to be able to get a poster with your face on it." I felt a smile spread across my face as I heard Alex fake a gag.

Julie and Flynn started to gather their stuff. "I have to get home soon. My dad doesn't want me to be out too late and we still have to drop Flynn off." After quick goodbyes, the four of us phantoms were left alone once again.

"I see we all collectively agree to keep the Nick thing a secret from Julie for now," I said.

They all nodded in agreement. "No need to worry her, he could have just had a bad day," Alex replied.

"We should investigate it further though," Luke commented.

"Yeah. Reggie and I will see if we can find any more ghosts to talk to about it, Alex you meet up with Willie to see if he knows anything, and Luke, you keep Julie distracted and safe," I said.

The three boys nodded in agreement and we split up to find information.

A/N: I did rewrite this chapter because the original one sucked.

A Band Like No Other// 4th Phantom Book 2Where stories live. Discover now