Already coming up

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Cleo waggled my hand above the sidewalk as we were walking, then Kissing Cleo I noticed a very distinct chill on my skin. I thought about what we did earlier. My mind wondered away as if my eyes moved slowly up to the side. I was stuck in the warm embrace of him, along with the coldness of my skin. My fingers gently brushed his wool green jacket as he was silly trying out four kisses. A laughed as I rested my nose on his catching my breath. I rested my hand in his only jacket pocket as I did raspberries with my lips.
"What are you doing?" I said
"Acting out a scene, kissing booth from little hustlers."
"First of all thats little rascals you rascal, and secondly you meant practicing a scene from it?"
"Eh-  hahaha!" He laughed
"Getting too carried away." he admitted
His jacket then unzipped halfway.
"Gosh im hot." He said
" how could you say that? Im a icicle!" He then without hesitation took his jacket off and gave it to me.
"You need it more than I do." He clued
"Cleo, what would you do without me if I was gone?" I said thinking about the old chill.
"I woul do what ever I half to to find you..."
"Thanks. I needed to here that." I said a little sad.
He then placed his hand on my back while we were walking.
His pressure in his hand grew a little as if he was subconsciously trying to tell me something. Thinking about it, I almost caught my fall.
"Are you alright?" His voice squeaked.
"Yeah." I said now not serious.
"Wai- why was that funny?"
"Nothing." Me trying to have retention.
"Come on lets get you home."
Im not sure of it was from him helping out too many old ladies, but he was treating me like one.
"I got it." I nipped
"Is my jacket warm enough for you- how am I treating you?" He blurted out.
Now I started to get teary at the obvious reason of him being so kind. He had a kindred and noble spirit.
"Your good." I said now upset.
After our walk, he wanted to stay a little longer at my home. I knew that if I let him he would probably move in.
In case you haven't guessed, its animal instinct. Like how a black cat knows when someones about to die... Only in this case it was probably fate. I didnt want him to have the burden of always worrying about me. Perhaps not stealing Tahiti's about to be boyfriend was not such a bad idea. But member again the pranks. And of course the gradual constant flow of love through my veins. I was heart stricken. Aftet our goodbyes. He almost tripped looking moving backwards, then after that is paced up to me and kissed me for a long time.
"Stay safe ok?"
I swear he's like a angel gypsy. He took something like bad energy away from me after he kissed me. I didnt get it until later. He was till working with me. I wonder what the source is? Thinking about this I almost bumped in to tahiti in the door way.
"So how was it?" Tahiti said
"What?!" I contemplated.
"The sex?" She said
"What ever it wa- er I mean felt, I not saying." I said
"Yes mary dear. Or I mean ricky dear." She said.
"Ok then." I said dismissing her.
She was wearing goddy clothing with her hips showing again. I had a little tantrum
"Fix your dress!!" I said as I threw Cleo's jacket at her on accident.
"Daddy said dont throw clothes at me!!"
"Tahiti! Didnt I say not to throw clothes at your sister!" Daddy called out
"Are you kidding me again? This is some kind a joke." I said
"DON'T CALL ME A JOKE!!" she grunted out with her teeth clenched.
"HEY! Careful!!" I lunged trying to save the jacket.
I quickly took it from her. With out any problems. And I ran to my room hoping she wouldn't chase me again. She did. I accidentally popped her bra strap as I was reaching for the jacket.
"Daddy!!." I squeaked I jumped over the bed board, on the dresser then back on the bed again. I pushed her hard away from me spontaneously latching on to her boob. She now had her cold hands on my hair that I had fixed for Cleo. I began to wail. When daddy didnt come instantly i twisted her boob clock wise. She cried out. And then released her wimpy beatings with her fist as if she was saving it the whole time.
"Daddy!! I said like a drum.
I then bit her on her arm trying to get away.
She the shrieked holding me a little longer. This girl wanted to bleed. She finally released me with a blood arm. We both were wailing at that point and that was it for our special sister relationship.

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