▪︎- 𝐇𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 ..?-▪︎

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Alex's Pov

It was the next morning and I stood in the hallway with Jake and Devon waiting for Lexy to get back.

She came walking fast.

"Follow me" she said as we jogged through the halls to the bottom floor and into the disposal room.

"What are the chances we burn to death?" Lexy asks as me jake and Devon look at her.

"Okay.." she start walking down the stairs and we follow. More trash is then thrown in and she scoffs.

We walk and look around as more trash was disposed.

"Uh uh! No way that's disgusting!" Lexy said.

"We have to" Jake said.

"I dont know what's worse getting stabbed with a butcher knife or with a needle" I look at Devon..

"I'll do it, it's my mess" Jake said

"Were in this together" Lexy looked at us all

"Yea, together" Devon added

"That's what I said" I rolled my eyes at this

"Maybe we, we could wait for him to come for us? He can't stay down there forever.."

"He cant? What exactly are the rules for supernaturally possessed dolls?" Lexy replied to Devon

"Wait guys I have an idea, I'll get him out, Lexy here" Jake grabbed a broom and threw her gloves.

"Devon, Alex..keep watch" Jake told us

"Uh uh no absolutely not theres like 70.. deaseses in there"

"Did you not just say together?" Jake looked at Lexy

"You do it" she gave the gloves to Devon

"Fine by me, ready to take a knife if he jumps out?" Devon looked at Lexy

"Fine.." she grabbed the gloves and put them on.

"Just follow my lead" jake stood on a bucket

"Three...two..one..Go!" Lexy and Jake start stabbing and digging through as me and Devon look around for watch.

"Take this Chucky!" Jake says before he falls me and Devon catch him.

"Man and I'm the one who got stabbed in the leg.." I say looking at Jake.

Lexy kept digging till she gave up. She jumped up and down wiggling the gloves off. "Gross!" Devon hands them the sanitizing spray and they spray it but Lexy was being overdramatic.

Third Pov

Everyone went home from the incident. Alex had just got back from school as her parents Lucy and Felix (Alex's Dad) werent mad as much as she thought they would be. Its 50/50 in there feelings.

Alex's Pov

There like a emotional bipolar pregnant women..is how I described them. Right now they were running around crazy trying to find what I needed.

"You need water? Juice, soda?"

"But not to much, your still in trouble"

"Honey she saved someone's life she shouldn't be punished for being a blessing"

"Well- I know but"

"Plus it is our fault we let her go"

"But if we didn't let her go would Coraline be dead..?"

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