▪︎- 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 -▪︎

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Alex's Pov

It had been 6 months since I last spoken to Jake, Devon or Lexy as I don't go to public school anymore and I'm on home study due to my father's overprotection of me and my brother Luke...

It was Halloween night..a night where kids dress up, teenagers throw parties, people get free candy by hiding themselves behind a mask pretending to be someone...

Me and my brother were home as security surrounded the place as my father was out at work..and me and my brother were going to spend tonight binge watching horror movies with snacks.

"Sis...why couldn't we go trick or treating...?" Luke asked

"Because it may be dangerous for us to go out.." I replied as I walked in with the popcorn.

"But that was awhile ago...why can't we be normal again..?" He looked down sitting on the couch fidgeting with his shirt.

"Luke...after everything that happened I don't know if things will ever be normal.." I say as I sit down placing the popcorn down and pulling him into a hug.

"Well...as long as your alright and I have you and dad...I think I'll be okay..." he looked up at me as he smiled gently as I return him one.

"I'm gonna go get the drinks and candy I'll be right back Luke" I say as I get up going back into the dim lit kitchen setting my phone on the counter.


"Hm..?" I looked on the counter to see my phone ringing from an unknown caller..I pick up my phone answering the call


"Is Tamara home..?" The voice from the other line says

"Uhm..who..?" I asked puzzled not knowing a person with that name..


"I'm sorry but I'm afraid you have the wrong number..."

"Oh...I'm sorry.."

"Hm..yea it's fine.." I hang up the phone as I sigh..

I turn back around going to the cabinet as my phone rings again..

"Hello..?" I say once again..

"Is Tamara home..?"

"Sorry to say but you have the wrong number again.."

"Isn't this 728-6832..?"

"Yea..? But im sorry to say that I don't know a Tamara and there isn't one here."

"Weird...doing anything fun tonight..?" The person sounded sketchy..

"Uhm..I suppose...? But I should get back to doing that.." I say wanting to get off the phone.

"How come your home alone with your brother then..?" My eyes widen..

"Who the hell is this..?"

"Where are your friends Alex?" The person said my name in a song like manner as I started to get ticked off

"Fuck off whoever the hell you are." I immediately hung up. "What the hell.." I say as my phone rings once more by the same number..

"Yknow what whoever the hell you are do me the favor of leaving me the fuck alone and stop stalking me, and yknow it's sad cause it's unoriginal." I say pissed

"Sorry but this isn't just whoever this is somebody, someone who's familiar. Maybe I would spend and waste my time stalking you but I'm busy multitasking at once right now..but that's not why I'm calling.."

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